Alison Walker

Profile Updated: August 4, 2010
Residing In: Boulder, CO USA
Personal Website:
Spouse/Partner: Thomas Heavner
Children: A niece and nephew is enough :) If you remember me, you must agree with me that this is best lol. Maybe More…I'll adopt a teenager when I turn 52 to celebrate becoming 2 years old on the Mayan Calendar. One never knows the future but that's my guess.
Occupation: Property Manager. Part-time mystic
Yes! Attending Reunion
Favorite High School Memories:

Hard to say.

Places you have lived since High School:

Too many to list for sure.

What I have been up to the past 20 yrs:

I left NHS and went to a girl's school in NC for a few years. Lived in Kentucky with my sis and a few friends after. Then went to U of S Alabama for 2 years. Quit, moved to Boulder to get in state tuition.

Got a job in a music club. That lead to a career in production (stage managing, mixing live sound and more). That led to working on a cruise ship as a "lounge technician" & meeting an x who was Swedish. That lead to traveling a lot and sailing a lot with him. We lived in England and ended up in Bequia (next to St. Vincent & the Grenadines). Hitchhiked on boats a lot. Crewing. Sailing Celebrated good times and a break up during Carnival in Trinidad, traveled together many times since then.
That lead to working on boats and some fun gigs that connected to whale/dolphin research in Canada and more. Made it to Galapagos on Roger Payne's research boat and ended up as a cook for a second time when I wanted to swim with dolphins in the wild.

(Excellent holiday suggestion for ALL ...

Learned even more about google searching after that cool gig manifested via "the internet"

My time at in Canada was special! Loved that place. That led to bioacoustic work and that led to marine electronic tech work with ROVs mostly for Sylvia Earle's company. I lived very cheaply and illegally on a 30 foot sailboat in Oakland then. That was the last time that i was doing live sound.

That lead to living in Hawaii and being totally clueless as to where my life was suppose to go next. I was still happy b/c the weather there was great lol but life felt like a waste and I was floating around like a wave in the big ocean for sure. I loved Little Beach on the weekends. Another story. Another time.

That lead to a 1 month job in India & Bangladesh (more underwater sound vibes/videography) and that led to making it back to Colorado to catch up with old friends, my sis and her 2 kids, my niece and nephew that were growing up way too fast.

I left a lot out. Ask me if you want an even longer version. You know it... I still like to tell long stories. I'm still pretty chatty and long-winded, still!

Some things never change.

Places you have traveled to:

I love to travel and I love Boulder, Colorado.
Some favorite places... Indonesia, Singapore & Niceville, of course...ok Destin beaches especially. :)

Five things Most People don't know about me:

I love my honey Tom. I love dreamtime, mystics, wisdom, snowboarding, making electronic music on my Mac, and Mayan Astrology. A few of my heros are Alan Watts, Joseph Campbell, Caroline Myss & people who get into Buddha's dharma as a way of life to heal the mind and strengthen the spirit. I love open minds and rational thoughts and irrational thoughts sometimes as well.
I think we all should push ourselves to reach our greatest potential and be willing to fail....even while knowing we'll never get there.

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Alison Walker has a birthday today.
Nov 30, 2023 at 4:33 AM
Alison Walker has a birthday today.
Nov 30, 2022 at 4:33 AM
Alison Walker has a birthday today.
Nov 30, 2021 at 4:33 AM
Alison Walker has a birthday today.
Nov 30, 2020 at 4:33 AM
Alison Walker has a birthday today.
Nov 30, 2019 at 4:35 AM
Alison Walker has a birthday today.
Nov 30, 2018 at 4:33 AM
Alison Walker has a birthday today.
Nov 30, 2017 at 4:33 AM
Alison Walker has a birthday today.
Nov 30, 2016 at 4:33 AM
Alison Walker has a birthday today.
Nov 30, 2015 at 4:33 AM
Alison Walker has a birthday today.
Nov 30, 2014 at 4:33 AM
