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01/30/14 08:01 PM #5    

Gena Cadiente (Downey)

I love that your excited. I'm not a web person, so this is the best I could do for now. I will get more information and we will be able to nail down a venue!

02/04/14 01:12 AM #6    

Gena Cadiente (Downey)

Look for additional information about selected venues by Friday. Anyone crafty who would like to create some poster boards with HS photo's or "before" and "after" HS shots? 


02/05/14 07:22 PM #7    

Diana Moss

There are various boutique hotels in the NoHo / Universal City / Burbank area that have various sizes of "ballrooms" for rent ... 

Some of the sites have maps online of the rooms along with how many each room will hold ...

02/07/14 09:12 PM #8    

Gena Cadiente (Downey)

That sounds great. I am still trying to get the best price for Lance's suggestion, the Beverly Garland, and for the Federal Bar and Sportsman Lodge. I added a venue, the Walt Disney Studios, in the event that sounded fun. It's on our "Home Page." Please feel free to gather some information and let us know what you find. In March we will put it to a vote and see what works best for most people.

02/10/14 05:04 PM #9    

Gena Cadiente (Downey)

Thanks to Sue for offrering to make our reunion badges. Thanks Hil for reaching out today as well. We need more help huskies -- who's in?

02/10/14 05:05 PM #10    

Gena Cadiente (Downey)

Diana - great suggestion. See our home page for just such a venue. I added info this morning.

02/11/14 11:05 PM #11    

Suzanne Wun

smileyNice to see the ball rolling!  I just added myself onto the site...learning how to navigate but so far seems easy! 


02/13/14 02:31 PM #12    

Gena Cadiente (Downey)

I'm so glad it seems easy! That's what we are after! Thanks for the feedback! Gena

02/27/14 08:26 PM #13    

Gena Cadiente (Downey)


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04/05/14 03:26 AM #14    

Suzanne Wun

For the 20th a nice little raffle was put on with items donated from the classmates.  I found it particularly entertaining, and would like to know if our 30th group may want to do another one.  

We would need a roll of raffle tickets, very inexpensive, and something to put them in to draw from.

We can get the word out here to begin dialogue.  Many of our classmates are in positions to donate services, goody items, memberships, or anything that would make for a great raffle.  I know for those who have their own businesses it would be great advertising!


It's a lot of fun.   

04/05/14 11:35 AM #15    

Gena Cadiente (Downey)

I love that idea and was actually thinking of doing something like that. Let's do it! Can you head it up? I will donate a great Disney basket!

04/05/14 07:41 PM #16    

Lisa Hannifin

Sounds Fun.  I would be willing to Donate Chiropractic exam and treatment or a few Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber sessions.


04/07/14 09:45 AM #17    

Gena Cadiente (Downey)

Wonderful, Lisa. I think this will be fun!

04/15/14 04:52 AM #18    

Suzanne Wun

I would love to be of service with the raffle so that others can continue efforts to locate more classmates.  I think Huskies will enjoy it as well as their invited guests!



04/15/14 10:24 AM #19    

Gena Cadiente (Downey)

You bet! Go to town. Did you see the few items donated on our FB page already? Collect all the information - you can write an email so I can blast it out to our classmates to contact will be fun! G

04/16/14 03:17 AM #20    

Suzanne Wun

I did Gena!  I will start a list for those donating.  So far so good!  Maybe you can add a blurb on the main page here about the raffle.  For those not on Facebook and I will draw from both sites.


i know we have quite a few teachers I. Our class.  Tutoring is a great option to donate.  Think outside the box!

04/16/14 03:47 PM #21    

Diana Moss

Suz - 

Did you see the list of suggestions that I posted on the FB thread re: donations for the raffle?

We've got a lot of classmates & their spouses in various industries ... Quite a few should be able to donate something ... 

Are we selling raffle tickets for each item?  Or will it be free raffle tickets and dumb luck on what someone might win?  There could be prizes available that some of the out-of-towners might not be interested in/unable to us ... 

04/16/14 09:35 PM #22    

Gena Cadiente (Downey)

Yes, you're doing a great job. We can sep them out - local gifts and universal gifts. I don't want to make them spend any more money. Let's give them tickets. Thsi will be so much fun.

04/18/14 01:32 AM #23    

Suzanne Wun

No cost for tickets.  None. Zip. Zero.  I would like to keep it simple.


That being said, we cannot predict what names will be drawn from the hat for the raffle.  If guests coming from out of town cannot use the prize, we will work it out somehow.


Pull a number, get a winner! 

04/18/14 04:49 AM #24    

Diana Moss

Some party stores as well as Smart & Final and some office stores carry the rolls of tickets ... You could get several colors of the 2-piece tickets (for local vs universal prizes) and then people could choose if they wanted to be up for the local prize drawings or not ... and then put in a jar / basket / whatever & draw for the prizes from that ... and have one set up for the universal prizes too ... 

04/18/14 10:56 AM #25    

Gena Cadiente (Downey)

Yep, that sounds great. Very well thought out! Done!

04/18/14 02:09 PM #26    

Suzanne Wun



excellent idea!  Your wisdom never ceases to amaze me!  Love that.  Simple.     

09/20/14 03:47 AM #27    

Suzanne Wun



02/11/19 04:19 PM #28    

Donell Carter

Hi Alison Braun

02/11/19 04:36 PM #29    

Donell Carter

Hi everyone Havent been to a reunion lately would like to see my friends. Hope to see ya'll for the 35th year reunion

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