Classmate Profiles (1958)

     User has created a profile: 17
     Profile contains photos: 1
     In Memory: 6
     Contains "In Memory" entry: 4
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David Arthur
Bob Baguley
Robert Baguley
Dolores Batson
Paul Beal   
Bonnie Beecraft (Pritchard)   
Loretta Boch
Gilbert Body
Ruth Burrill
Simon Burson  
BettyAnne Bushell
Elaine Butler
Stan Butler   
Kathie Carnaghan (Sherrard)   
Yvonne Cllover
Donald Cole
Norman Cole
Thelma Cole
Yvonne Collver   
Lois Davidson
Jim Deak   
Paul Donohue
Terence Dwyer
Fred Evoy
Lois Fewster (Goodall)   
Joan Fidlin (Harris)   
Sandra Fulkerson
Alex Graham  
Shirly Graham
Barbara Hallam
BettyAnne Hallam
Doug Harrison   
Pat Harvey   
David Hill
Murray Hill
Sandra Hogg
Valerie Hookham
Marilyn Hyndman
Nancy Innis (Smail)   
Ardyth Irvine
RuthAnn Irving (Haley)  
Bill Kennedy   
William Kennedy
Joyce Kinsey
Margaret Krohe
Ruth Lazenby
Dorothy Lowes
Frank Luciani   
George Luciani
Leo McCready   
Edward McElhone
James McMurchy
Frances Moore
Verna Moore
Glen Morley
Johan Oris
Jean Parker
Margaret Pathy
Alice Pellow (Pember)  
Larry Pitz
Michael Pocrnich
Ruth Pollard
Jim Rennie  
Victor Rode
Allen Scott
Ellis Scott   
Pamela Slack
Gerald Strachan
Wayne Swanton   
Marie Thomas
William Thompson  
Conrad Tokarz
Mavis Turner
Clair Utter
Marian Utter
Fred VanParys
Vaughan Ward
Mary Watkins (Chambers Gibbons)  

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