Connie Harrison (Mullen)

Profile Updated: February 4, 2010
Where do you live now? Chilliwack, BC Canada
Are you married, single,? Yes
Do you have children? If so how many. Tell us about them. William Gordon 2002, Christopher Douglas 2005
What do you do for a living? Or are you lucky enough to be retired? Run our own company. We broker to pick up recyclin
Do you like the idea of our NDHS web site? Yes
Yes! Attending Reunion
Do you have any memories of your high school years? Tell us!

Basketball. It was great being part of a team that we all worked worked really hard together to achieve everything and had alot of fun.
Meeting my husband and just having great friends that you still talk to today. Also I went to a field party one guy was so done iin that he fell over and rolled down the entire hill we just stood there and watched. Little did I now that I would later marry that idiot. LOL

Are you looking forward to the reunion?

Unfortunately I won't be able to attend. My children are still in school at that time and I am unable to make it bake from BC in time.

Do you still have family around Norwich?

yes. My mother and father still reside in Norwich. My sisters and husbands all live in the surrounding counties.

How often do you get back to Norwich?

All the time before we moved to Chilliwack BC

What do you do now?

We run our own company. We contract our services out to waste companies city contracts to collect recycling and garbage.

How did you get into that line of work?

My husband transfered to BC through Emterra Environmental; he was a supervisor for her,. She came to us with this opportunity and we took it. I told my husband we only fail if we are not willing to try something new. So here we two years later from moving out here and now work for ourselves.

What do you like to do in your spare time?

Spend time with my sons. They are extremely active and always on the go with their sports and other things they like to try so they take up alot of our time.

How old do you feel?

A million years old

Any grey hair yet? Women don't have to honestly answer this one:)

Lots thankes to my boys. Thank goodness for hair dye LOL

What would we be surprised to know about you?

I am still the same as I was in high school.

Did you have any nicknames in school?

You don't wanna know.

Biggest thing you would do differently if you went back to your time at NDHS?

Pay more attention to my schooling and actually do what I wanted but other than that not a whole lot

Favorite Drinks?


Favorite Food?


Favorite Movies?

North and South

Favorite Music?


Famous or interesting people you've met?

Dave Mercer from Facts of Fishing

Cool things you've done in your life?

Lived in alot of places. Northern Ontario.., Boca Raton Florida and now BC

Any words of wisdom?

Don't let things pass you buy in life if you want to do it.., then do it. You only fail if you don't try and are not willing to take a chance in life.

Ever gone on a blind date?


Ever helped a stranger?


Did you ever skip school?


Swam in the ocean? And where?

Yes, South Beach Florida we lived in Boca Raton Florida

Cried yourself to sleep?


Ever sang Karaoke?

I sound like a dying alley cat in a dumpster believe you do not want to hear me sing

Laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose?


Danced your heart out?


Been skinny dipping?


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