School Story:
My school years found me busy with softball, volleyball, work and partying. (I know, only a few select friends witnessed this). I remember the ski club making a trip to Mission Ridge where we thought we were going to die of frostbite. It was so cold up there. In my sophomore year I was lucky enough to be chosen along with 4 others to participate in a mini exchange program with students in Hope, BC. We went and stayed for 1 week in Hope, BC and then the next week the student we stayed with came back with us and stayed with us for a week and went to school with us. Then the summer after sophomore year I spent a week at Central Washington University for Business week. Do you all remember World Problems? That is the class I will always remember. We had to memorize the World Map. Remember all those test we had to take or we wouldnt graduate? Wonder if they still do that? A fun time I remember is Powderpuff football. We lost our senior year but Teresa and I had fun in the rain tackling the juniors and rubbing their faces in the mud.