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Dennis Pink
Profile Updated:August 14, 2019
Where do you live now?
Ann Arbor, MI USA
Spouse/Partner: Married? To whom? How long?
married to Ariane for 38 years...she died 12 years ago
Children? Grandchildren?
2 kids..Brandon in Chicago, Cortney in Phoenix...talk to both almost daily...much more than when they More…lived with me! Granddaughter's Zoelle in Phoenix.
Do you have a favorite OPHS story? Funny memory? This can be used for anything you would like to share?
no funny stories....just a comment on how nice almost all of you were to me and my brother when we came to Michigan from Minnesota when I was 15.....it made the move less traumatic.
What would you like your classmates to know about you today?
i no longer play basketball...although i did up until a few years ago when my son wisely suggested it was time....i do however play tennis, bike, and work out at the gym and my waistline has only grown 2 inches since high school. My brother Dave and i were partners in a business for 20 years and then we sold it to an employee and retired. i work 2 days a week consulting with a school systems in the ann arbor area.
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