In Memory

Anne Larison (Jay)

Anne Larison (Jay)

Reported as deceased by Marilyn Benson

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02/08/11 11:27 PM #1    

Dr. Lance Parker

A true friend...a kind and caring person. So sad. Anne was always talking me into running for offices in school...then she would do all the poster making.  We won some, and we lost some. I thought about being her boyfriend, but we were too much just friends for that to happen I think. Loved her parents too.

Lance Parker

04/16/11 02:10 PM #2    

Connie Allen (Bettinger)

I lost track of Anne when she and Wally left the state while Wally pursued his career in the Navy, and I went to England.   Anne was a widow too early, and a victim of cancer at an awfully young age.  I remember fondly my confidant, ski buddy, and very good friend for those few good years.

Connie Allen Bettinger

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