Life Stories and Passions


As we approach the somewhat incredible number "60" that marks our upcoming reunion, like me, you may have taken a few moments to reflect on the significance of that milestone. One of my first thoughts was "Wow! I didn't really think I'd live that long". Another thought was that I'm still intellectually able to appreciate the significance of the event. Well, in all honesty, neither my wife nor my parole officer think that I'm competent enough, but hey, what do they know?

Be that as it may. reflecting on the talented, diverse, and energetic group that we are, I've often wondered what all of you have done during the ensuing sixty years. Not what you've done in your work life, but instead, what kinds of things have occupied your time when not busy with work. Like, do you have a special hobby or interest that you have devoted time and energy to over the years--an activity you are more than happy to attend to when time permits. Something that has kept your interest "captured" for over 60 yrs.

As an example, since childhood I've been fascinated with airplanes and aviation: model airplanes at age eight, real airplanes at age 18--learning to fly, restoring them, air racing, and teaching others. And I'm still at it despite my tender age of seventy-eight. 

With this in mind I'd like to suggest it would be fun to spend a few hours together at the reunion - say Friday afternoon - with each of us taking a few minutes to share what those interests have been. No podium. No agenda. Just the chance to share.

I was involved a few years ago in a session like this. The group consisted of classmates from professional school. Needless to say, it was easy to clearly picture what they did at work. But we were all surprised and amazed at some of the really cool things people had become involved in their free time. Professional photographer, language specialist (5 languages), teacher of the disadvantaged, professional fiction writer, etc.

You don't need to do anything to participate. Just show up. I'll promise you it will be an enjoyable few hours and cast new light on your perception of some of your classmates.

Best regards,

Jon Overholt
