Joanna R Wilson Fontenot

Profile Updated: July 21, 2010
Joanna R Wilson
Residing In: Iowa, LA USA
Spouse/Partner: John
Occupation: Homemaker, College Student, Real Estate Agent
Children: We have 1 daughter named Yimmi (means little darling in choctaw). Born in Dec. 1997. She is the apple More…of our eye. We always wanted more children but could not have any so we feel very blessed to have her.
Yes! Attending Reunion

Oooooo my gosh what have'nt I done..... I went to college for a couple of years and did'nt go to class instead went out partying with my friends...LOL and then worked at the Oklahoma National Stockyards as a secreatary for 10 years and traveled all over the country with friends.... then I met my husband in 1991 at the National Finals Rodeo in Las Vegas and we dated off and on for about 5 years and then I made a huge decision and moved down here to a place I now call home Iowa, LA. We married in January of 1997 and i cried for the first 3 years because I missed my mom and dad and Oklahoma in general... LOL and thru many many prayers and patience I finally call this home....I am still crazier than a loon and have a great time anywhere I go and my husband is very very quiet!!! Poor thing... I actually feel sorry for him sometimes having to live with me!! ha ha but it is interesting.....My daughter takes up allllllll of my time (by choice I guess) I figured God only allowed me to have one so I just as well follow her around allll the time... LOL lucky her huh!!! My husband is a farmers, He farms Rice, Crawfish and we have a cattle operation. I just go watch and cheer him on and then go to walmart !!!! My mother in law has been a Real Estate Agent for about 20 years for Century 21 in Lake Charles, LA so I decided to go sell real estate with her and it was great for a few years but then the market dropped as you already know and I decided to take a break and go back to college..... We have a small college in Lake Charles which is about 30 miles from my home called McNeese State University... I have about 30 hours to graduate....OMG!!!! I do not have a lot of regrets in my life however, I have always been sad about not graduating college.... so I am taking just a few hours at a time and have decided that even if I have to have a walker to get across that stage at graduation I WILL....ha ha
My daughter shows Livestock so we go to alot of livestock shows around the country... We show nationally so we go to Iowa, Kentucky, Illinois, Texas and Oklahoma!!!! yea So that is where alot of my time goes.... God has been very gracious to me and I thank him everyday... I lost both my mom and dad a couple of years ago within 7 months of each other which was the hardest time in my life however God showed himself to me in sooo many ways and different situations that I have actually become I want to believe an even better christian woman. I want to make a difference one day in childrens lives and I would like to be a school teacher for elementary age... so that is my primary goal... I would like to teach at a school that is need of teachers that really care and want to make a difference...So please say a little prayer for me that my dream comes true one day... Well this has been fun filling this out and I hope to see each and every one of you at the Class Reunion next year.... It will be soooo fun..... God Bless and May God give you much peace always....joanna
P.S. I never thought I would love being a Farm Girl but it really Rocks !!!! LOL But i miss the City toooo.

School Story:

I just want to say I have the best high school memories..... I feel sooooooo blessed to have went to Grant and met all the people that I met. I have been living here in Louisiana for 15 years now but My true and bestest friends are still in Oklahoma!!!! I guess some things never change... Thank Goodness.... I get a warm feeling and a smile on my face when I think of walking down those halls late to school every morning and the bell ringing and me running as fast as i can to not get a tardy.... and thinking of Mr. I can't remember that quoted Shakespere on top of his desk screaming..... omg.... and the pep rallies were the best.... omg.... and wearing the mums for homecoming!!! and driving up and down SW 59th street by sonic and godfathers pizza and mcdonalds......FUN FUN FUN you know everytime I come home to Oklahoma I drive by grant, and all those places that I just mentioned and by the house on SW 68th street that I grew up in and I just sit outside and stare and all these emotions start flowing like it was yesterday!!!! WOW and now I am 47 !!! Do you have any idea how good it is to say how old I am without lying!!!! LOL Every single person I hang out with is at least 10 years husband is 5 years younger than me.... How funny!!! anyways I am also 6 ft tall and a blonde and 120 lbs.......Just dont look at my picture it lies.....hahaha Well gotta go see what my daughters doin so I can get my next orders from her.... but I am sooooo thankful to Linda Cooper, Diana Foley, Susie Sorrels, Paula Koci, Tera Smiley for always loving me just the way I am and no matter the distance they keep in touch and close in heart.... Again God Bless to all....

College Attended:

Oklahoma State Universtiy, OCCC, McNeese State University - Lake Charles, LA.


Staying in God's Word everyday
Livestock Showing and traveling with my family
Following my daughter around
Meeting up with New and Old Friends whenever and wherever..... That's the best

What have you been doing since you graduated?

see above

Favorite Teacher(s):

Ms. Overstreet

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