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09/26/08 04:11 PM #58    

Twila Sossamon (Bow)


I'm glad your daughter had no damage and even had electricity. That's amazing from what I've seen on the internet and news. We are supposed to leave from there in February on a cruise, but I hear the dock was completely demolished and won't open for a long time. They will have to clean above and below the water because they don't know what might be in the canal. I'm sure there are lots of cars and maybe houses and who knows what else. I think the cruise ships are going in and out of Houston, so that's what will probably happen to us. But I'm planning to be a lookie-loo and head to Galveston to see what it's like by then.

09/28/08 08:26 PM #59    

David Askins

Twila - A "lookie-loo"? What generation were you born in? Just teasing - Sorry! Hope that your cruise will go as planned, even without Galveston. They really did take a big hit.

Denise - You do know that Jr. throwing a rooster on you at that age meant that he had a crush on you, don't you?

09/29/08 06:51 PM #60    

Denise Powell (Daniells)

David - I think Jr. was way to far gone with those roosters to ever notice a girl. (unless she had feathers)haha, I really hated to here about his passing
I saw Jim Davidson, not to long after the twenty yr reunion, which I was so sorry I missed, cause he said it was great! I was working at Baptist Integris then and one of his family members was my patient, and Jim recognized me. It just so happened I had bought a new (used) home and phone lines had not been put in yet, he was so sweet, he came out and put in all the lines for me at no charge. During that time of my life I was a single mom with two kids, working 3 jobs to make it, so funds were very limited. He saved me so much money!!! I did not know he had passed till I saw it on this web page, and it broke my heart! I so wanted to let him know what he had done for me! I hope he does!!! Thank you Jim.

09/30/08 11:37 PM #61    

Jeff Folks

David - do you remember tracking down Cryner's address and showing up at her house one Saturday afternoon. Sorry Marshall, had we known you were pineing for her we would have had you go along. I just remember her husband wasn't too amused that her students showed up on their doorstep. And yes, she even looked good in sweats working in the flower beds in front of he house.

Cheers and good thoughts about Jim D. he and I had some good times in school and he was always lookig out for others.
And to Jr. as well. I remember him showing me some metal spurs he made for one of his roosters.

10/01/08 07:25 PM #62    

Karen Wilson (Loyd)

David, that kinda blows your denial of having a crush on her, doesn't it? Going to a teacher's house on a Saturday MUST mean a little bit of a crush! All you needed was a rooster to throw on her.

10/01/08 08:51 PM #63    

Denise Powell (Daniells)

Haha, thats a good one Karen, So David What was it called when Jeff Neher looked up girls dresses with mirrors on his shoes? And he told on me once in Pritchard's room for hitting him with a rubber band and wadded up piece of paper, it did hit him in the neck, but he told on me and I had to write 1000 sentences that I would not hit Jeff Neher with a rubber band again, I was so embarressed, I really considered putting a hit out on him. Changed my mind when I realized how long it would take to hire a hit man, when all I got was .40 a day for lunch. That is why Jeff is still alive today! haha, just kidding Jeff I love you dearly!!!

10/02/08 08:07 AM #64    

David Askins

Sshhh! Be vewy, vewy quiet! I'm hunting wabbits, and I've heard there's a weally pesky one awound here somewhere!

10/03/08 12:49 AM #65    

David Askins

Denise - Uummm! I believe they call that predatorial perversion.(Sorry, Jeff N., but at least you're still alive! Right?!?)

Jeff F. - You see what I'm up against here - don't be draggin' me down in your dirt. I'm a respectable kind of guy!LOL

10/05/08 04:47 PM #66    

Marshall Helsel

Jeff F. & David: You guys "visited" Cryner without me? Thanks a freakin lot! (ha) I do remember a few of us discovering her and her spouse at 50 cent beer night at a Blazers game, though. Needless to say, THEY were having a much better time than we were.

Ah...the good old days, when you could stalk a teacher without going to prison...

10/06/08 11:54 PM #67    

Jeff Folks

I do remember the Blazers beer nights, always when they were playing the Tulsa team, as many fights in the stands as there were on the ice.

Sorry Marshal, but it was all DA he made me drive there and made me get the address from my older brother or was it David's older sister. Needless to say I was an innocent bystander/driver okay instigator.

10/08/08 02:47 PM #68    

Twila Sossamon (Bow)

"Jeff" and "innocent" are not normally two words I would put together in the same sentence.

10/08/08 03:16 PM #69    


Dollina Overton (Wear)

The more I read the more I really didn't know about you guys. I always thought you guys were sweet and innocent but now the truth is out!

And Marshall the stalker turne police officer! HA!

And yes Jr. although he liked girls and probably did have a crush on Denise, he was far more comfortable spending time with those crazy roosters. Try living with about 20 of them chained up in your back yard!

10/08/08 06:01 PM #70    

Jeff Folks

Dollina don't let Twila taint you opinion of us, I am, we are, still innocent and as for Marshall what better cover than to be a cop. We may be devious but we mean well.

10/08/08 07:52 PM #71    

David Askins

Are we having fun here or what? Just like we were still in high school as teenagers. Darn it! I just looked in a mirror. Oh well!!!

10/08/08 10:32 PM #72    

Marshall Helsel

Hey guys, I never actually said I stalked anyone...geez. Okay, that ONE time, but I was very confused and really young. Anyway, after the court ordered therapy it hasn't been a problem.

10/09/08 10:05 AM #73    

Lance Forbes

Here's what I want to know...

What are they doing now at WHHS instead of "50's Day"??

70's Day?
80's Day?


10/09/08 07:48 PM #74    

David Askins

According to Jeff F. - Notice who drove there. I may have provided the address(was there with my sisters one time), but I was just doing a "favor" for a friend.LOL

Twila - Does that mean you're on my side?

Dollina - I really am still "sweet and innocent" - promise!

10/11/08 08:13 AM #75    

Jan McGee (Parks)

You guys are killing me with your stories. I'm with Dollina, I thought your were all sweet and innocent. Ok, I knew some of you were more sweet than innocent! Dollina really is still sweet and innocent.

Not sure what the new jets are doing instead of 50's day, I think it was 80's (my kid had to do the big hair thing for her school. Shudder!!!) I can definately tell you their football team stinks and so does their band! lol

Those if us who made the homecoming game last night had a great time in spite of the terrible game. I wish you could have all been there!

10/11/08 11:14 AM #76    

Jeff Folks

My kids did a "retro day" and could dress as what ever they wnated. Some did the 70s hippy thing and some the big hair of the 80s. My kids; they found some of my wife and I's clothes and wore them. AArrgg! My old stuff is now the butt of jokes and all things geeky to my high schoolers. We weren't that bad, okay the leisure suits were bad, really bad.

Askins - don't make Twila choose, she might hurt your feelings haha

Dollina, don't lose faith, we're still sweet and innocent. We may be dirty old men, but we will always be sweet and innocent to our Jet girls

10/11/08 06:41 PM #77    

Marshall Helsel

I'm still holding out for the 80's look to come back. I have all my linen sport coats, pastel tee shirts and dock siders ready to go when the trend returns. Now if I could just find all my Miami Vice VHS tapes....

Hey Jeff, "dirty old men"? Really, I mean, I have to disagree...we aren't "old"!

10/12/08 06:11 PM #78    

Jeff Folks

Marshall, my bad you're right we aren't old just experienced. I refuse to be old.

Just as long as you don't break out those shorts we all will be appreciative.

10/13/08 10:12 AM #79    

Twila Sossamon (Bow)

How could I possibly choose between David and Jeff, my two favorite guys from high school? I guess you two could fight for my favor. It would be the first time that's ever happened and it could be pretty cool.

10/13/08 12:44 PM #80    

Marshall Helsel

Ha-ha! NO problem Jeff! I dont even want to see me in those!

10/14/08 01:51 PM #81    


Dollina Overton (Wear)

David unfortunately I wasn't feeling great on Friday and didn't get to visit with you as much as I would have liked, so I will have to post my opinion of whether you are still sweet and innocent at a later date! LOL

And Jan as for your statement, there are people who know me that might argue the sweet part and unfortunately I think most of us lost innocent at least sometime in our 20's, if not before! To bad we can't hang on to the child like innocence forever! Unfortunately we grow up and life happens! I have tried however to stay positive in spite of all that might go wrong!

In spite of it all, it sounds like most of us have been very fortunate and I have to say I've made some great friends over the years and hope that we can all keep in touch and be there for each other in the future. We really are fortunate to have been given such a great group of people to help shape our lives. I feel very blessed that my life, although not perfect, has been a good one.

And David your comment about looking the mirror, PLEASE! You look GREAT!

10/14/08 03:43 PM #82    

Glen Grusendorf

OK i have spent that last 2 hours on this site. IT'S GREAT!!! I loved looking at all the pics and reading the casual not so casual banter back and forth.
I talked with Scot Williams yesterday and told him how bad i felt that i hadn't called Marcelene since my heart surgery. I told him I'm hanging up and calling her now... Little did I know it would start me on a 2 day read-a-thon... She told me about the site and as we say the rest is history...
I've already written emails to many of you and look forward to hearing back from you all.
I have many fond memories from High School and look forward to reliving some of them with you all...
God Bless

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