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---  U P C O M I N G     E V E N T ---

please RSVP via the facebook link (below),
and share same link with others:

DETAILS:  It’s coming down! In late January Western Heights will demolish the old hangar gym on Council. This has been an icon in our district since it was built in the late sixties. Many of us played games, performed concerts, had classes and graduated in that building, memories that cover decades. The school system is allowing us to have a social gathering at the building one last time before they tear it down. The date for the event is Saturday January 13, 2018. Planned for Saturday so that if anyone from out of town would like to come they can. The gym will be open from 5:30 pm to 8 pm so that we can visit, walk around and tell old stories. This invitation is to all classes that used the gym for whatever reason. We will try to reach out to former coaches and teachers as well, if there anyone that you know that taught or coached at the school please pass this information along to them or get in touch with me Rickey Carr and I will contact them. We would like to provide refreshments during the event so if anyone would like to donate water, soft drinks and finger desserts please let me know. Please RSVP (at event link above on facebook) check the Going box if you’re coming so we can get an approximate count of people. Afterwards we will move over to Halftime Sports Grill on Old Hwy 152 and Rockwell to carry on the festivities for those that would like to join us. Dana Flowers class of '74 will provide us with music for the evening. If you are a graduate of Western Heights, please share this event page with all of your WHHS Facebook friends and ask them to share as well so that we might reach the maximum number of people.

Thank you for your attendance and the wonderful memories!
See new links (below) and in the tab column on the left:
Coming soon... links to raffle item winners and other alumni photos!