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In Memory

Judy Hallgren (Cirian) - Class Of 1960 VIEW PROFILE

Judith Kay Cirian (Hallgren)

November 23, 1942 - October 12, 2018

She is survived by her daughter Lisa and son-in-law, Steve Hiatt; her two sons, Jeff Cirian and Dean Cirian. She has 11 grandchildren, Stephen, Lindsey, Cassie, Caleb, Kayla, Gina, Jessica, Samantha, Zack, Kristen, and Brandon; 10 great-grandchildren that live in Georgia, Colorado, Kentucky and Nebraska. She had two nieces and a nephew, Jodi, Darla and Scott Hallgren. She was called Grandma, Granny and Grandtoast. Her family was everything to her, she was loved beyond measure.

Her memorial will be held at Red Feather Lake in Colorado next summer.

Click here to see Judy's last Profile entry.