First Time Visit
Welcome Trojans! Thanks for visiting! On this page you can find some general information about our class website including how to obtain a Password, create your Profile, and have fun reconnecting with old friends while making some new ones!
- This website is maintained and hosted by two fellow EHS alumni and is completely free to use. Now there will never be a reason to join other ‘PAID’ sites. Alumni can meet here from now on and plan all future reunions and activities. This is the place!
- This is a private site just for the Evans Class of '79! If you wish to be a guest on our site or should be listed as a member of our graduating class and are not, please email us at and give us at least three names of currently registered members that can vouch for you. If we do not personally know you, then we require three of our members to supply you with a reference. Please be sure to indicate the reason you wish to join as a guest (would have graduated with our class but dropped out, moved, or graduated from another area high school, member of Class of 19??, teacher, administrator, etc.)
1) Visit the “Missing Classmates” page.
2) Click on your name and follow the instructions to join the website and create your own password.
3) Complete your contact page with your full name, email address, mailing address, and phone number. You may continue by personalizing your profile page now or return and complete it at a later date.
4) Once your contact page has been completed and verified you will receive an email that you have full website access and you can interact with your fellow classmates. WARNING: This website can be addictive – especially at first!
5) Please be sure to return and personalize your profile by answering the profile questions and uploading some photos. We would all love to hear what you have been up to for the last 30+ years!
6) Also, we are already in the early planning stages for the 40 Year Reunion in 2019, so stay tuned for newsletters asking your input and visit the Message Forum often for updates and to learn about "Mini-Reunions" that are taking place over the coming months and years.
7) Finally, visit the Missing Classmates page again and help us locate other classmates!
- GUESTS: Please be sure to email us a Senior Photo or another photo of you from 1979 – it wouldn’t be fair to not remind us all what you, too, looked like back then!
- IMPORTANT: You need to "safelist" email from , , , and If you don't you may miss important email from our website that will go to your junk email. You might want to adjust your settings to "always display images" from (This is the web server our email originates from).
- PRIVACY: All contact information that you enter into this website will be kept confidential. It will not be shared or distributed. Your information is private, your address and home phone number can’t be seen by the classmates unless you grant permission on your profile. When someone clicks on your name they will only see your yearbook picture (if available), your city, province/state and whatever personal information you choose to put into your profile.
Question: Is my contact information secure on our website?
Answer: This information is not visible to anyone except yourself and the Reunion Co-Chairs/Website Administrators unless YOU choose to make it available, which can be done from your Edit Profile link. If you choose to allow the public to see your profile, you can give family and friends your web page address and they can visit your web page, as can others who may come to the Home Page and click on your name on the Classmate Profiles page. If you prefer that your web page be visible only to classmates who are logged in, you should check mark the box on your Edit Profile page that says: Profile Visibility. Your email address cannot be made viewable through your Edit Profile page, but others may private message you via the website through the contact box at the bottom of your page. If you private message someone, they will receive your email address to let them know a message is waiting for them at the website.
- If you click "Remember Me" when you log in, you will not need to log in next time you go to the site. Note there is a password retrieval feature to click on: "Forgot Password?" in case you need to log in sometime and can't remember your password; the password will be sent to your email inbox. You can login from computers other than your home computer but you will need to enter your password.
- YOU MAY OPT-OUT of the bulk emails from the website administrator (or from email updates from classmates who update their pages) at any time by clicking on the unsubscribe notice at the bottom of any email you receive. Do not ask the administrators to unsubscribe you (we can not). Unsubscribing is an individual classmate choice and function. If you visited a classmate page and requested updates any time that classmate posts new updates to their page, you have to unsubscribe from those individual emails if you wish for them to stop. Go to "Profile Subscriptions" under "Member Functions" to do this (you must be signed in to see Member Functions).
- Always check back at the Home Page. That is where the main information and announcements are made! PLEASE participate in the SURVEYS, MESSAGE FORUM, and POLLS too. Once in awhile "SURVEYS" appear on the left side of your page in the "Page Links" section and new "POLLS" will appear on the right side of the Home Page. We do attempt to announce them in regular Newsletters, but sometimes we focus on Reunion Update information.
- If you have any questions please feel free to click on the “Contact Us” button on the Home Page.
Enjoy the website!

Reunion Co-Chairs and Website Administrators