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08/05/08 11:54 AM #65    

Jacquline Washington (Vane)

Okay, I know we are not going to forget about Toler Oak Hill Elementary!!!!! That's for the Cornwall,Gela and Oak Hill peeps........

08/06/08 05:39 PM #66    

Candice Henderson

Oops sorry ya'll. I forgot the da Oak and 'Vall peeps!

08/12/08 09:11 AM #67    

Lucius Downey

Candice how are things coming along so far?

08/12/08 06:02 PM #68    

Candice Henderson

Nerve racking!!! :)

The most outstanding things thus far is encouraging participation, having people come to the reunion and making sure we have the funds!

We've got to get the money raised so we can really party hard. We've got the raffle ticket sell going on now (let me know Lucius if you want to sell some) along with some other fundraisers located on the Donate/Fundraising page.

If you talk to anyone please encourage them to come!

09/03/08 04:25 PM #69    

Candice Henderson

Everyone has disappeared!

Hey guys, let's boost participation back to what it was when we first started. The reunion is three weeks away and it will be here before we know it!

09/17/08 12:50 PM #70    

Candice Henderson

If anyone has any suggestions of things that they want to see or do at the reunion, let me know.

Looking for some ideas for the bowling tournament as well!

09/20/08 11:25 AM #71    

Tracy Williams

Its almost that time for the reunion, seemed like it snuck up really fast. Look forward to seeing everyone at the reunion!

09/20/08 05:25 PM #72    

Rhonda Barnette (Williamson)

Hello everyone, the web site looks great! Candice you have really done your thing and I'm so glad you got all of this together, it will be nice to see everyone again. It was good talking to you the other day and I will be coming up for a girls weekend soon. If you need anything let me know and I'll do what I can, I can imagine you have a million last minute things to do at this point. Congrats to Jackie and all the others, thats wonderful. Once again, hello to everyone and God willing I'll see you all soon!

09/22/08 11:31 AM #73    

Lucius Downey

Congrats Jackie!!

09/22/08 03:18 PM #74    

Candice Henderson

Thanks everybody! It's good to see everyone starting to get excited again for the reunion. Keep spreading the word. We have had two more people sign up on the site since yesterday so the site is definitely getting around.

09/22/08 03:19 PM #75    

Candice Henderson

Thanks Rhonda! It is all worth it...just to be able to reconnect with everyone and have a good time. That's what it's all about. My hope is to keep the site up and running for years as a way to keep in touch.

09/23/08 10:30 AM #76    

Lucius Downey

what's the deal with Mrs. Thomas? Is she coming?

09/23/08 06:28 PM #77    

Candice Henderson

She has a sorority event that same night and is unable to come. I haven't heard back from any of the other teachers I invited - Coach Capps, Doc or Mr. Gould. I did invite Mrs. Thomas to the mixer Friday so I hope she'll make it.

09/25/08 12:38 PM #78    

Emmily Yow

I wish I could make it!!! Everyone, have sooo much fun and I will be thinking about you!! :)

09/26/08 01:55 AM #79    

John Crews

See everyone this weekend! Take care! peace!!

09/29/08 01:04 AM #80    

Lucius Downey

I really enjoyed myself this past weekend. It was a blessing to see everyone. Thanks for everything Candice.

09/29/08 02:24 AM #81    

John Crews

It was great seeing everyone this weekend!!!! I had a lot of fun. Hope to see everyone again soon!! Hit me up anytime. Thanks again Candice!!! Everything was great!!

09/29/08 11:52 AM #82    

Jonathan Baptist

Just wanted to send a quick hello to everyone who attended the reunion--It was great seeing everyone!!!

I also wanted to send a big thanks to Candice for all of the hardwork and dedication that she put into making this happen-- YOU DID YOUR THING!!!

09/29/08 04:48 PM #83    

Rhonda Barnette (Williamson)

I just wanted to say hello to everyone and send a BIG thanks again to Candice. Some of you'll are the same crazy folks as you always were and I had a lot of fun. Everyone looked so good. I'm glad that I wasn't one of the ones that missed it, because it really was quite an event.

09/29/08 05:15 PM #84    

Teronia Henderson

Hey everybody!! Thanks Candice so much for getting it all togather. It was a blessing to see those who i havent seen in 10 years. It seemed so funny that we all been out of school for 10yrs, but when we all got togather it felt like we were at a high school party. I really enjoyed myself and im soooo happy that i made it there. Everyone look so good!! Thanks classmates!!

09/29/08 11:32 PM #85    

Tracy Williams

Hey, like everyone has been saying, It was so good to see everyone again! and I hope we all look as good as we did at the next reunion!! Candice you did great, now you can relax until the next one :) Hopefully we can all see each other again soon!!!

09/30/08 12:12 PM #86    

Candice Henderson

Hey everybody! I am missing all of you! I wish we could have had a week-long reunion - can anyone say getaway reunion?! :)

Thank you all so much for your kind words.

I'll be sending out an email later to everyone with details of the reunion and how to get the memory book, class photo, etc. Stay tuned!

10/01/08 03:30 PM #87    

Jocelyn Joyner (Simmons)

Hi Everyone,

I just wanted to say that I had a great time at the reunion. It was great seeing everyone and I am looking forward to our 15 year reunion. I enjoyed the Mixer at Champs. We stayed out there to about 1:30 a.m. just reminiscing. I enjoyed the bowling tournament especially because my team won. The banquet was great as well. Everyone pretty much looks the same as they did in high school. Thanks Candice for a great reunion!!

10/02/08 05:12 PM #88    

Jacquline Washington (Vane)

Hello everyone. thank You guys so much for the warm wishes and emails about the wedding. It was perfect and I want to say Thank You so much to Sabrina and Leshaun for all your support you gave me. I know I worried you both to death with the emails and phone calls trying to figure out what to do. It means alot to know you had my back no matter what. I love you guys so much!
I do hate I could not make the reunion,but that will be the first and last time I miss something again.

Candice thank you for getting everything together with the website and allowing us to email and reunite our class. JOB WELL DONE!!!

10/14/08 04:30 PM #89    

Lucius Downey

I just received my individual picture along with the class picture and they both look great. Has anyone else receive theirs.

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