Alumni Profiles (1975)

     User has created a profile: 4
     Profile contains photos: 3
     In Memory: 5
     Contains "In Memory" entry: 3
     Military Service: 1
   Restricted to Alumni only


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Connie Andersen   
Victor Avena
Stephanie Lynn Bells
Felecia Briscoe   
Rick Cook
Gaye Lynn Costley
Vangie (Evangeline) Faris    
Bruce Ronald Floyd   
Julie Ann Giddens   
Charles Winston Gunter  
Vicki Lynn Jones
Lonny A. Keenan
Kenneth Charles Lloyd
Cindy Marie Mack
Virginia Lynn McCaughn
Kelly McCullough
Jody Lynn Morris
David L. Nelson
Elizabeth Simar
David Kent Simkins
William E. Siri
Rory Keith Smith     
Irene Kaye Sturgeon
Ronald Alan Thrailkill  
Susan Olivia Turner (Chmiel)    

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