Administration/Teacher/Staff Profiles

     User has created a profile: 3
     Profile contains photos: 3
     In Memory: 8
     Contains "In Memory" entry: 8
     Military Service: 2
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Eldon (Andy) Anderson (1983? Math, Co…)
Roberta Ashbaugh (Lindeman1…)    
David Asmus (German, English,…)   
Hazel Bandazian (1981 Secre…   
Bunny Jo Barredo (1978 Resource)
Ellen Beckley (1982 English, Spanish,…)
Darrell Eugene Bellamy (1…)    
Janet Bernd (1974 General Math, Alg…
Mr. Bladek (1982 Arts)
Clayton Bramble (1976 Auto Shop)
Ms. Buttle (1984 Cafeteria)
Mr. Bywaters (1982 Spec Ed)
Judy Cates (1974 Secretary)
Rhonda Cosner (1978 Teacher Corps)
Pat Couch (1974 Secretary)
Donna Dahlquist (1977 Home Ec, Englis…)
Jane DeYoe (1977 English)
Daniel Donnelly (1978 Che…)    
Ron Eason (1983 Assistant Principal, …)
Erica Erickson (1984 Band, Choir)
Kaye Floyd (1976 Bus Driver)
Judy Frank (1976 Bus Driver)
Larry Fried (1984 Shop)
Amy Fuertsch (1983 Art, Home Economics)
Al Giannotti (1974 Science, Coach)
Mrs. Giannotti (1976 Librarian)
David Hare (1983 Coach-Math, Social S…)
John Hobock (1974 Bus driver, Custodian)
Pamela Hope (Blosser1974 P. E. , Health…)
Mike Howard (1974 typing, Distributiv…)
Pat Inch (1974 PE, Health, Driver's Ed. )
Kenneth Isgitt (1979 Auto Sho…)   
Marjorie Dale Isgitt (1979 …)    
Ms. J. Isom (1979 Bus Driver)
Mr. Johnson (1979 Custodian)
John Kiley (1982 Library, Geography)
Alice Kraus (1975 Custodian)   
Mr. E. Larsen (1983 English)
Cathy Ledford (1974 Bus Driver)
Rod Ledford (1974 custodian, ? Bus Dr…)
Jan Lee (1980 Librarian)
Mr. Leino (1984 Maintenance)
Steve Lohmeyer (1982 coach, Social St…)
Ralph Lundgreen (1974 English 7012)
Mrs. Matonis (1980 Resource Teacher)
Mrs. Maus (1974)
Robert McCoy (1975 Bus driver, 1976 C…)
Robert Mentzer (1983 Social Studies)
Shirley Morris (1977 librarian, 1980 …)
Robert Nelson (1975 Reading,Math,Science)
Shirley Neth (1975 Bus Driver)
Cheryl Olsen (1975 Reading,Chemistry)
LaVerne Parrish (1977 Social Studies)
Mr. Pavlicek (1976 Guidance Counselor)
Neil Peddicord (1974 Drafting,Shop,Ag)
Rod Pekarek (1979 Assist princ, 1981 …)
Cathy Peterson
Ms. P. Pike (1979 Bus Driver)
Mr. Polley (1981 Music)
Rod Poteete (1974 Coach-P. E. ,…)   
William (Bill) Pratt (1977 Music)
Cynthia Raetz (1983 Resou…    
Paul Ray (1978 English)
Ann Redelsperger (1976 Bus Driver)
Ken Redelsperger (1977 Bus Driver)
Ms. Revelle (1982 Music)
Joel Sanders (1977 Science, Math)
Mrs C. Sanders (1978 Teacher Corps)
Mr. B. Santa Coloma (1978 Teacher Corps)
Jeane Santovito (1976 Bus Driver)   
Mike Schoenfeld (1974 Science, Biolog…)
Pete Sevilla (1981 Custodian)
Thelma Smith (1974 Bus Driver)
John Souza (1979 Music, Choir)
Don Stanley (1974 Custodian)
Mr. Swanbeck (1982 Shop)
Myrna Tankersley (Thurman 1975 Bus Dr…)
Michael Tate (1981 Vice Principal, At…)
Mr. Thorton (1984 Maintenance)
Richard Travis (1975 Business,Science…)
Vicki Turner (1974-Shorthand,Journa…
Jim Valline (1975 History,Civics)
Roy Vaughn (1975 custodian, 1979 Bus …)
Ms. C. Wallace (1979 Bus Driver)
Ms. M. Walsh (1978 Teacher Corps)
Ms. Weldon (1984 Cafeteria)
Sharon Wesolowski (1984 Custodian-Coach)
Allen Weyen (1982 Business Ed, Coach)
Nancy Williams (1974 Bus driver, 19…
Hank Wohle (1974 Civics, History, Dri…)
Don A Worden (1974 princ, 1981 Asst P…)

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