Navigating the Website

1. Home Page: Class Announcements / Updates

2. RHS Alumni Association: June 8 - RHSAA Annual Don Pomfrey Golf Outing (sign-up now)

3. RHS - 80's Event: Saturday Activity Details (Where, When, and Who)

4. RHS 80's Reunion Tickets: Purchases can be made via MC, VS, AMEX, Discover, or Personal Check.

  • Even if paying by check, please complete the registration/checkout process so we can ensure your payment is recorded. When selecting the Personal Check option, you will be provided an address to submit your payment.

5. Classmate Profiles: Look to see who has joined our site and will be joining us on Saturday.smiley

  • Click on each year to view the specific classmate details.

6. RHS '84 - 80's Event Attendees: 

  • Class of 1984 event tickets will be purchased via a separate Class Creator Website, so you will not be able to see this information under Classmate Profiles. We are including this list of those who will be in attendance.

7. Missing Classmates: If you know their email, send them a link to our site.

8. In Memory: In Remembrance of our fellow Classmates

9. Contact Us: mail Questions???

10. Member Functions Section:

  • Set your preferences for notifications and updates
  • Email a classmate who has joined our site
  • Update your contact information or profile
  • Don't forget to log out when completed
