Hello Paly Class of 1973
As you may know, to celebrate our 50th, we’re planning a casual evening at Baylands Golf Links (formerly Palo Alto Municipal Golf Course) on Saturday, August 19. The evening will include a Fiesta Dinner, program, putting contest, photo op and no host bar with inside and outside seating.
Also, on Friday afternoon, a classmate is hosting a Garden Party at her lovely home in Atherton.
Please sign-up for these events under the 50th reunion tab on the left column of this page.
Please forward this to any classmates you have contact information for as we are missing a lot of emails.
Hope to see you there!!!
Your reunion committee: Russ Johnson, Jill Soltau, Tom Copenhagen, Victoria Curtis, Annette Coleman, Bill Strubbe, Greg Mellberg, Deb Kulman & me.