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•   Steve Hepworth  7/3
•   Bennett Taylor Moffat (Moffat)  6/21
•   Timothy Mark Hightower  6/21
•   Cynthia Anne Passell (Lopez)  6/20
•   Julie Jane Parker (Barta)  6/17
•   Laurie J Davis  6/16
•   Kathleen Loretta Martin (Collado)  6/12
•   Dirk D (Hodges)  6/8
•   Kendall Oblak (Oblak)  6/7
•   Liz Lufkin  6/3
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

1 lives in Arizona
56 live in California
2 live in Colorado
1 lives in Florida
1 lives in Georgia
2 live in Hawaii
2 live in Idaho
1 lives in Indiana
1 lives in Maryland
1 lives in Montana
2 live in Nevada
2 live in New York
9 live in Oregon
4 live in Texas
2 live in Virginia
6 live in Washington
1 lives in Netherlands
323 location unknown


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!


Percentage of Joined Classmates: 23.4%

A:   99   Joined
B:   324   Not Joined
(totals do not include deceased)

Welcome Class of '74 Cougars!

      Your 50th Reunion Steering Committee members and fellow Cougars are so happy you found us!

      This is one of the places where all the information will be shared about the upcoming 50th Reunion Celebration.  The date is the weekend of September 13-15, 2024,  with the main Dinner Celebration on the night of Sept 14th, where we have secured a venue at the Mitchell Park El Palo Alto room and surrounding patio area, and catering by our own Tim Sandborn.  The plan for Friday the 13th is to have lunch at Rossattis/Alpine Inn, in the back picnic area, and Sunday have a brunch at the Pine Grove Picnic area at Mitchell Park, and also catered by Tim Sandborn.   Hotel rooms are being reserved at the Courtyard by Marriot on El Camino near San Antonio.  Other possible events are in the early planning stages and may be added in the near future. 
      The most important job we have at this point is to find our '74 Cougars and share this website with them, and we need everyone's help with that.  But first, make sure YOU join and take a little time to write your profile.   Take a look around the site.  Help us spread the word, find Missing Cougars, or inform us of any that are no longer with us.   More information will be added as we continue to make and finalize plans.  Joining this website does not commit you to attending the reunion. It's a great starting point to gather everyone virtually, and hopefully many in person later.  We just wanted to get the dates announced as soon as possible so everyone can put it on their calendars.

     With a class as large as nearly 360 graduates, chances are there are many we haven't met yet; and face it, no one is the same person we were 50 years ago.  We can't wait to meet you again....or maybe even for the first time.   

Cubberley 50th reunion steering committee:

Rob Levitsky, Grant Lichtman, Cathy Pott Plocki, Nancy Pott Booth, Risa Swirsky Proehl 





OK, classmates; time to buy those Reunion tickets!! Latest update is that we have sold 53 tickets, and we KNOW a lot more of us want to attend than that! We have almost 100 folks registered on this site, and hoping that not only you want to attend the reunion, but that you will reach out to one or two classmates and urge them also to show up.  So please, take two minutes today, go to, and get your ticket. Thanks!!

Hey, classmates, if you don't already have your ticket to the 50th reunion, now is the time!  Rob has been doing all the heavy lifting in terms of organizing the events, and he needs to start getting a good idea of how many will attend.  So PLEASE, 

Go to to buy your ticket and see who else has already bought theirs,

And keep up the outreach; contact anyone you don't see there who you would like to re-connect with in September!

Looking forward to seeing everyone in the fall.