Mustangs in LOVE


Mustangs who have fallen in love over the years;

some directly related to our school years together and others found each other years later.



Shawn Drotar               Amy Black Drotar                               

Jeff Brannan                 Christine Norris Brannan                      

Rob Breeden                Aime Hoffman Breeden                       

Erik DeHaas                 Amy Dumcum DeHaas            

Marc Skalecke             Jennifer Downum Skalecke                  

Jeff Rudolph                 Meredith Devencenty Rudolph 

Brian Enebo                 Tricia Fanning Enebo                           

Jeff Fonda               Yvette Varney Fonda                          

Tyler Goulding          Kim Hogan Goulding

Marcus McCullough     Tracy Greene McCullough

Ben Olsgard                 Adele Faiks Olsgard

Jeff Gulley                    Demi White Gulley

Jamin Houser            Stacie Lawson Houser

Chris Dameron           Rene Hoffman Dameron

Dave Gonzales           Heidi Kayser Gonzales

Chuck Folchert               Leanne Olson Folchert

Jeff Hoke                 Wendy Vinke Hoke 

Ron Bogie                 Betsy Kammerlohr Bogie

Chris Anderson          Heather Rabatin Anderson

David Halda                     Carrie Blevins Halda

Rich Von Feldt                 Diane Smith Von Feldt

Mike Fromm                   Wendy  Pierson Hawn

If you are a Mustang in Love and you don't see your name here, please contact us so your names can be added. We did our best!