In Memory

Todd Alltop

Todd Alltop



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02/06/09 09:04 PM #1    

Belinda Anderson (Hayes)

My heart aches....

02/19/09 06:54 AM #2    

Lisa Brooks (Crosby)

I was greatly saddened after learning that Todd had passed. He was an incredible person who I remember as a good friend back when we walked the halls of Ponderosa. He could always make me laugh and distract me when we were supposed to be doing math.

We walked together when we got our diploma's, but back then you didn't think about the people who had an impact on you or that you would go on with your busy life and simply remember that person in your memories. He will be remembered and missed by more people from the early years than he knew. My heart goes out to his wife, children, sisters and parents.

02/27/09 12:18 PM #3    

Michelle Alltop (Bates)

As many of you know Lymphoma took my twin brother's young life. He was unaware that he had Lymphoma. It took his life in 42 days. We are coming up on the 1yr. anniversary of his passing. We miss him so much and there isn't a day that goes by that we don't think about him. We continue to celebrate his life everyday. He has a beautiful wife and two loving girls. He is watching over us. Rest in Peace Brother.

Thank you to those of you who have sent me messages expressing to me your kind words and prayers.

One of my favorite memories of high school was the time Todd and I (with friends) decided to Tee-Pee Ponderosa high school and then trying to escape from the cops by rolling in a field for 50 yards.

03/20/09 01:54 PM #4    

Brian Gaines

When I found this website about a month ago the first person I looked up was Todd. I felt physically ill with shock when I saw that he had passed away. Todd was a great friend and our prayers are with all his family and children.

What's funny is the first memory that pops into my head when I think of Todd is the tee-peeing of the high school that Michelle mentioned. When the police rolled in everyone made a mad scramble to get out but Todd and I were stuck on the hill above the school. Todd and I sat in a large hole for about 10 minutes by ourselves while Parkers finest were shining their spotlight down the hill. They knew we were around somewhere because Todd's small pickup that we came in was parked right at the top of the hill. After about 10 minutes we said the heck with it and trudged up the hill. Todd and I were both escorted into seperate police cars and they wrote up their reports before letting us go. What really made us mad is that when showing up to school the next day all of our hard work had been cleaned up.

I'll miss you buddy!

06/26/09 03:51 PM #5    

Jeanette Prien (Spruce)

I just found out about the loss of a dear friend. I remember after graduating Todd would come into Buffalo Boyd's on Friday's after work, where I cocktailed and we would hang out form time to time. Our 10 year reunion Todd and I were eachother's dates for dinner, because neither of us were dating anyone at the time. The funny thing is he ended up with a date and I was the third wheel :-)

I will miss him!

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