In Memory

Michael Hoover

Michael Hoover

A Dream Within a Dream

          Take this kiss upon the brow!
          And, in parting from you now,
          Thus much let me avow-
          You are not wrong, who deem
          That my days have been a dream;
          Yet if hope has flown away
          In a night, or in a day,
          In a vision, or in none,
          Is it therefore the less gone?
          All that we see or seem
          Is but a dream within a dream.
          I stand amid the roar
          Of a surf-tormented shore,
          And I hold within my hand
          Grains of the golden sand-
          How few! yet how they creep
          Through my fingers to the deep,
          While I weep- while I weep!
          O God! can I not grasp
          Them with a tighter clasp?
          O God! can I not save
          One from the pitiless wave?
          Is all that we see or seem
          But a dream within a dream?

-------by Edgar Allen Poe




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01/20/09 12:39 PM #1    

Juli Padgett

Can anyone tell me what happened to Mike Hoover? This is the first I've heard about his death, and he was a close friend of mine in High School.

02/05/09 06:59 PM #2    

Carla Mitchell (Meisinger)

Mike developed a very rare disease that attacked his intestines, shortly after our 10 year. He had most of his intestines removed, and was in a rehab hospital for weeks. He never fully recovered, and developed an infection (I believe), and lost his battle.

02/06/09 08:21 PM #3    

Kerri Burn (Worrick)

Mike was Married and Left behind a son named Trent, who is now 10.

02/07/09 01:30 AM #4    

Dena Cullen (Sparks)

Thank you both for your updates.

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