Profile Updated: May 16, 2019
Class Year: How many students graduated with you? 1970
Residing In: In what state and city/town do you reside? Simpsonville, SC USA
Spouse/Partner: What is your spouse's name? Karen (KT)
Occupation: What was/is your primary occupation since graduation from high school? Retired US Air Force. Retired Financial Manager.
Children: How many children do you have? How many grandchildren do you have? Chris 1972; Jeremy 1979
Military Service: If you served in the military, share with us the branch of service and describe your assigned duties. US Air Force. Helicopter Gunner, Logistics Officer  
Yes! Attending Reunion
Comments: In addition to your vocation, what hobbies do you have and what volunteer work have you done?

Volunteer repairing houses for elderly in upstate South Carolina

In high school were you a Spring person, or Fall person? Tell us why you were Spring or Fall.

Fall, when the Blue Ridge mountains are in full splendor!

What has been your greatest (primary) contribution to humanity since graduating from high school?

Flying combat rescue while in the US Air Force.

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MICHAEL WILLIAMS has a birthday today.
Feb 29, 2024 at 4:33 AM
MICHAEL WILLIAMS has a birthday today.
Feb 29, 2020 at 4:35 AM
May 16, 2019 at 7:55 AM
