Profile Updated: June 3, 2015
Class Year: How many students graduated with you? 1982
Residing In: In what state and city/town do you reside? South Royalton, VT USA
Spouse/Partner: What is your spouse's name? Sue
Occupation: What was/is your primary occupation since graduation from high school? Self employeed
Yes! Attending Reunion
Comments: In addition to your vocation, what hobbies do you have and what volunteer work have you done?

Entrepreneur, beekeeper, world traveler, HAM radio operator/emergency communications, independent catastrophe insurance adjuster. When not traveling on business or pleasure reside in Royalton, Vermont and Radiant, Virginia. Owned and operated various design and service businesses throughout the years. Also have been employed at some small business to very large corporations. Spare time is spent researching family roots with and

High School: Were you motivated by a particular teacher/coach/etc. while in high school?

Don't remember much of school as I only attended my senior year and attended a few classes as I worked full time.

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BRUCE JONES updated his profile. View.
Jun 03, 2015 at 7:38 PM