Darci Johnson Gill haven't changed it though, still Johnson

Profile Updated: March 9, 2008
Residing In: Glendale, AZ USA
Spouse/Partner: Antonio Gill
Occupation: Bill History Clerk/ AZ House of Representatives
Children: Gwyneth Abigail Johnson/Born:7-18-03
Yes! Attending Reunion

I attended Phoenix College for a while after high school. Life forced me to work more than I had time to go to school so I unfortunately I didn't finish at P.C. While I was attending,I had lengthy conversations with one of my professors, Leah Landrum, who was and still is a State Representative (now a State Senator) and she eventually led me to where I am now...politics. I have been working at the AZ House of Representatives since 2000, starting as a House Page and currently I work for the Chief Clerk of the House, assisting him in running the AZ House of Reps. I did take a leave of absense for a few years when I got married and had a baby in 2003. We moved back East for a year and a half but we decided that we were both desert rats and couldn't stand to be without the good old sunshine any longer so we came back to Arizona. I have enjoyed traveling and most of all keeping in touch with some of my old high schools friends. Hope to see many more of you soon!!!