In Memory

Harold Malone - Class Of 1975

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06/16/10 05:43 PM #1    

Nancy Smith ("monroe") (1975)

I hung out with Harold in the quad during lunches. He was dorky with glasses, flamboyent & goofy  but also a fun interesting guy. Boys teased him quite a bit because of his personality. I ran into him after high school at Christown Mall one day and OMG he was beautiful!!!  He was now a hot looking Gay Man... who knew... well I guess we all knew but who knew he was going to become so damn hot!. I have lived all over the place as a very liberal human and I have many, many gay friends now. I wish that he was still with us because we would really have had a good time at this coming reunion.  Rest in peace my beautiful friend... Harold Malone. <3

06/28/10 04:19 AM #2    

Anna Lee Miller (1974)

Anna Miller. Harold Malone was my best friend from the minute we met. He was just a freshman starting at West. I used to call him Mr. Peabody's boy Sherman, because of his black rimmed glasses. Yes he did become a really hot looking man when he got older. He got better as he aged. He was very quick witted up until he passed. When I saw him at the hospital for what was to be the last time he was cracking jokes through his oxygen mask. We shared alot of good times in and after our days at West High. He was always calling me with new jokes that he heard somewhere. He lost his lover of over 25 years about 3 years before him. His death was very traumatic for me because of the circumstances surrounding it when I finally found out, which was about 3 to 4 weeks after his death. I will never forgive the person that didn't let us know about it. Myself and a couple of friends didn't get to go to the funeral service, because of her selfish ways. I knew Harold (who started using his middle name Lloyde as he got older) long before she did and she had no right to be that way to any of his old and new friends. If you knew or remembered him from West think about his wonderful, yet sick sense of humor. That is what made Harold, Harold. A very, very sad goobye to you my wonderful friend, you were like a brother(sister?) to me. I thank God that we had all of those years together. Love you.

11/24/10 12:30 AM #3    

Anna Lee Miller (1974)

A friend of mind wrote this on Facebook. I don't know where she got it but I immediately thought of you. I miss you so much. Wish heaven had a phone so I could hear your voice. I thought of you today, but that is nothing new. I thought about you yesterday and days before that too. I think of you in silence, I often speak your name. All I have are memories and your picture in a frame. Your memory is a keepsake,...from which I'll never part,...God.....has you in his arms, I have you in my heart.

01/09/15 09:41 PM #4    

Helen Clark (Marshall) (1975)

My dear friend, Rose still talks about going to your house for lunch that time. You would be proud of her. She belongs to a group that promotes LGBT rights. You were a sweet kind friend. I miss you and think of you often.

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