Missing Classmates

If you know where these Classmates are please share our web address with them:
If you know the email address for any Classmate below you can click on the Classmate's name to quickly send an email invitation to our site.

Robert Armenio
Sharon Cox
Yvonne Coy
Pamela Daniely
Shawn Donahue
Andrea Edenhart
Linda Gareis
Marcella Goins
Sue Graffia
Mark Hamm
Helen Howells
Richard Jackson
James Jones
David Kalkbrenner
Thomas Kinslow
Ros Loeum
Run Loeum
Jeffrey Malatak
Richard Marx
Gregg Meyer
Henry Murphy
Thomas O'Brien
Manisha Patel
Wendelyn Rebholz
Aimee Rowell
David Seifried
Matthew Sobotka
Robert Stiger
Andrew Waters
Monica Watts
Ralph Weeks
Eric White
Thomas Zurcher

Guest Members

George Allen (Gym)
Lynn Andrzejczyk (Special Education)
Dianne Arnold (English)
Jon Barcaskey (French)
Mr. Bradley (Couselor)
Mrs. Buetzow
William Caldwell (Athletics, Social…
Mrs. Campbell (Switch Board Operator)
Robert Cline (Special Education)
Mrs. Cloonan (Career Ctr/Public Rel…
Sally Cortese (English)
Paula Coudriet (Business)
Bill Daniels (Science 8)
Nancy Darlington (Business)
Donald Dawson (Business)
Mrs. Egerman (Secretary)
Mrs. Favors (Counselor)
Joseph Froehlich (Math)
John Gaetano (Business)
Paul Gerlach (Band/Music)
Suzanne Glencer (Science)
Kathy Gruber (English/Reading)
John Haddad (Special Education)
Reed Harvey (Social Studies)
Donna Heath (Gym/Health)
Robert Hewlett Jr. (Math)
Jemele Hudson (Math)
Cheryl Johovich (Home Economics)
Ruth Keenan
Virginia Komer (Home Economics)
Kathleen Kovacs (English)
George Latta (Gym/Health)
Anna Lawson (English)
Mrs. Lipke (Attendance Aide)
Kathleen Lomagistro (Science)
Earl Marker (Science)
Marianne Massucci (Art)
Carole Miller (Library)
Mr. Murphy (Vice Principal)
Theodore Nevin (Band/Music)
Carol O'Connor (Reading/English)
Thomas Patricca (English/Reading)
George Pearsall (Music/Chorus)
Harry Peterson (Gym)
Louis Petrone (Social Studies)
Mrs. Pfaff (School Nurse)
Joseph Phillips Jr. (Science)
Ronald Robertson (Industral Arts)
Sheryl Robinson (Spanish)
Julie Rohm
Deborah Rudenko (Special Education)
Barbara Sandy (English)
William Santee (English/Language Arts)
Dorothy Schachter (Business)
William Sebastian (Math/Science)
V. Sgro (Social Studies)
Russell Stevenson (Math)
Lawrence Thomas (Industrial Arts)
Dolores Tolbert (Health/Gym)
Richard Torre (Industrial Arts)
Miss Valor (Counselor)
Karl Wendelin (English)
Thomas White (English)
W. M. Wyland Jr. (Social Studies)