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Newest Members
Leticia Alarcon (Perez)
Don Albright
Diane Allen (Desmond)
Anneta Austill
Graham Ball
Deanna Bantz (Jent)
Sue Bantz (Killebrew)
Liz Belmore (Stallings)
Mark Benoit
Mike Benoit
Sharon Beverly
Cindy Bohrer (Jaudon)
Trent Borton
Bridget Brewer (Johnson)
Don Brown
Kurt Browning
Peggy Burns (Johnson)
Sara Carmona
Scott Carrell
Elvira Cavazos (Sanchez)
Lisa Caywood (Keating)
Beth Chism
Lisa Christenson (Grzanich)
Tim Ciesielski
Shellie Coffman (Hollis)
Jon Cornelissen
Mike Cross
Al Cruz
Margie Dewey (Mungo)
Dave Emery
Greg Fanning
Mark Fill
Terry Ford
Bob Fraley
Kathleen Freund (Schiradelly)
Jill Gavin (Carlson)
Art Gaza
Ralph Gearson
Rene Gilbert (Byrd)
Julie Godde (Loux)
Willie Goldsmith
Joe Gorman
Greg H. Gould
Ray Gullage
Dave Haas
Jeff Hampton
Teri Hanson (Haws)
Eric Hatcher
Scott Haws
Steve Haws
Kathy Hayes (Peterson)
Rick Heilbel
Mike Hermanek
Linda Hess
George Hogle
Cindy Howard (Morelock)
Debbie Jensen (Christensen)
Lori Johns (Woosley)
Daryl Johnson
Sara Johnson (Kling)
Wayne Jones
Sheri Jorgenson (Cox)
Debbie Joslin (Roberts)
Tom Kaltenecker
Steve Kapas
John Klossing
Keith Krantz
Terry Lobdell
Rob Loehmann
Elizabeth Lynch (Kolar)
Chris Majchrzak
Mike Mall
Nelly Martig (Martig)
Karen Martin
Debbie Martinez (Mahoney)
Elizabeth Martinez
Lisa McKnight
Tina Meier
Neftali Mendez
Saul Mendez
David Miech
Lisa Morris (Tierney)
Sue Munson (Keenan)
John Nelson
Kevin Neuman
Jerilyn Nicholson (VonHoff)
Laura Ohligschlager (Russo)
Vicky Olsen (Sheffield)
Randy Olson
Sheila Porter (Miech)
Terrie Pribyl
Vince Priesman
Jeff Rainbolt
Wendy Rauch (Bedal)
Patricia Redman
Grant Rinehart
Star Salemi (Ames)
Wendy Schag (Meyer)
Chris Scherer
Karen Schlesinger (Debolt)
Randy Schultz
Jenny Searl (Clason)
Diane Senechal
Scott Senter
Chris Sharrer
Neta Shehorn (Zager)
Michael Sledden
Jeanette Smith
Jim Smith
Jon Smith
Nancy Smith (Warren)
Debbie Snyder (Peterson)
Harold Snyder
Mary Lou Sonderoth (Fox)
Janet Spears (McClernon)
Maureen Spinler
Dawn Stainfield
Lisa Stubbe
Mike Travis
Don Tripp
Dan Tucek
Jim Warren
Tim Weedman
Brett Wehrs
Brenda Wiley
Richard Wilson
Anita Withrow (Killey)
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