Weber High School
Class Of 1982
Updates to Barbara's profile since your last visit are highlighted in yellow.
Barbara Greenwell Christiansen
Profile Updated: May 15, 2013

Residing In | Slaterville, UT USA |
Spouse/Partner | Robbie Christiansen |
Occupation | Business Owner/Manager/Pet Stylist |
Children | None But I have 4 step-children 1 Grandson, and another on the way. |
Yes! Attending Reunion
I was married to my first hunsband "Kelly Clark" from Huntsville for 27 years. We then got a divorced and I re-connected with my High-School sweetheart "Robbie Christiansen", and we were married in December of 2009. I have worked many jobs including a long-haul truck driver. I have been in all 48 Continental United States and Alaska, as well as some provinces of Canada and Mexico. I will be adding Alaska to my list of travels next month, as we are going on a be-lated honeymoon cruise.
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