In Memory

Jack Gullotta

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05/04/16 05:27 PM #2    

Tom Pulliam

Jack was a good friend for many of the best years of my life ............ we played football together from a yoiung age (until I stopped because of my size) and baseball all the way through high school, Jack playing shortstop and I playing second ........... great years ............. Jack was a gifted athlete. but much more - he was the consummate teammate, thoroughly and utterly reliable ............ rare qualities then (maybe not so much in Pleasantville) and even rarer now ......... I am very sad to know Jack is gone from us, but the memories of our times together remain............

05/05/16 11:39 AM #3    

Salvatore Celona

My ears are still ringing from the last time I tried to tackle Jack playing JV football !!! Rest in peace, Pisano, Sal

05/05/16 01:40 PM #4    

Tony Ciulla

we have know each other since we were 5 yrs old going to roselle ave school than to bedford rd sch.ool jack was a good and kind man  i had many vists with jack when he was at the hebrew nursing home  he loved choc. shakes and I would bring him one each visit   I wll think and miss you always good night dear friend   tony ciulla

05/05/16 05:42 PM #5    

Dr. William Bracciodieta

Jack and I were teammates on two SWIAC championship teams our senior year at PHS, football and baseball.  They didn't come any tougher than Jack, who, despite his relatively small stature, left imprints, literally and figuratively on alot of people he ran into.  We had a unique relationship on the baseball diamond.  He was my shortstop and I was a pitcher, so he always had my back, again, literally and figuratively.  It seemed we could read each other's minds at times and he saved my bacon many times.  In one game against White Plains HS, which was supposed to be a cakewalk for them, we won 2-0 as he and I picked off three runners at second base to preserve a shutout.  However,one of his real talents was his calm demeanor under pressure, along with his ability to make me smile even in the most tense of situations.  I would' not infrequently, call him to the mound just to hear what he had to say about a dicey situation.  One day, after someone had hit a long home run off of me, a grand slam to boot, Jack came to the mound and said "Wow, the last time I saw something travel that far, it had a stewardess on it!" That got me back on track in a hurry.  I did not see enough of him after high school, but when I did, I loved to rub that bald head. Jack would give you the shirt off his back, if you needed it, and was always quick to help a friend in need.  I know this from personal experience.  I regret not seeing him and Sue these past years, but I have memories that will live as long as I do.  Rest in Peace, my dear friend and teammate.  

Your teammate and friend, 

Billy B.

05/06/16 11:28 AM #6    

Peter Schumacher

The last time I saw Jack was at the 50 year reunion but sure was happy to get to say Hi to him. I remember playing alot of Hockey with him up in Armonk at Northlake in Windmill Farms. We also went and played at the rink at No. White Plains which was a blast every Wed. evening. Also taking a long drive to pick up Sue at college in his white Pontiac if anyone remmbers it. Pretty cool in its day. Had a bunch of good times thinking back may he rest in peace.

05/06/16 12:17 PM #7    

Dr. William Bracciodieta

I don't mean to monopolize this comments/memories area, but I thought of another classic Jack moment.  Our first baseball game of the 1962 season (at home) was against John Jay HS, a baseball powerhouse with a budding major league pitcher on the mound and a budding major league shortstop as well.  They had a very long winning streak, about 25 games straight, stretching over two seasons.  I remember not being too thrilled to have to pitch the first game of the season against them, although it was an non-SWIAC opponent.  Long story short, we managed to keep the score close and were behind 1-0 in the bottom of the last inning.  We managed to get two people on base, one on second base, and Jack on first base, with two outs.  There Somebody then got a clutch single to right center and the runner from second  base scored to tie the game. But that wasn't enough for Jack.  Jack just kept on running as John Jay took their time getting the ball to the infield.  Jack proceeded to score all the way from first base, on a single, to end the game and give PHS the win, 2-1.  Of course, this broke the very long John Jay winning streak and gave me my first pitching win of the season, which, of course, was totally unexpected and greatly appeciated.  A classic gutsy move by Jack, one of many I was fortunate enough to benefit from, that season.  I believe the newspaper misspelled his name, not the last name, but they spelled his first name "Hack".  For the rest of the season, we called him "Hack", much to his chagrin, but we all meant it as a badge of honor.  I think he got that.

Great Play, Hack!

05/07/16 10:44 AM #8    

Mark Schofield (. )

I visited Jack about a month ago with some other class members. A Sunday brunch at his house. A nice easy time with him. He always made me feel that he was glad to see me, and last month was no different. A nice guy.

05/08/16 05:55 PM #9    

Dave Ogden

Good Friends,

Jo and I were at Jack's funeral services last Wednesday.  As you might expect the funeral home was packed.  So many wanted to pay respects to Jack and Susan.  It was a very nice service with all his children there.  We all have such wonderful memories of our dear friend.  Someone mentioned Jack leaping high to intercept a pass in one of our PHS football games.  There was a great picture of this interception on the display of great pictures at the service.  Goodbye old friend, I will miss you.

05/09/16 12:50 PM #10    

Richard Hoferichter Jr.

Jack - rest in peace - we grew up together and went all through the Pleasantville school system. 
"There are some who bring a light so great to the world that even after they have gone, the light remains".
God Bless - Rich Hoferichter

05/09/16 03:14 PM #11    

Ed Rooney

I remember Jack best from our 50th reunion,  We did not have a lot of contact over the years.  I left P'ville in 1962 and wound up on the west coast for much of my life.  What we had, were wonderful mutual friends, the Class of '62  family.  I would see Jack at functions on the rare times I would come east.  The last and best was at the 50th.  When I walked up to him at Becky's,  It was like greeting a friend that I had grown up with, like somehow time had not passed.  Someday, when we are all reunited, what a party we will have.  Rest in Peace and God Bless you Jack.

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