In Memory

Marino Rotondo

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01/21/12 01:54 PM #1    

Bonnie McCandless

Happy Birthday, Marino!  I miss you.

06/22/14 03:08 PM #2    

Roseanne Lipari (Martin)

Marino & I were from Thornwood, Columbus Rd. school from 1957 till we started at P'ville High. We had many friends with us, so it felt OK to start in the new school. I remember having great parties at my house on Nanahagen Rd. inThornwoodd. I was lucky enough to have a fresh water pond on our property, we had swimming parties in the spring & summer, & ice skating parties in the winter. Marino was always the clown. We were always laughing & fooling around with all our buddies. Our group consisted of Phyllis loPiccolo, Vern Mucci, Marie Ludwich, Jimmy Skiff, Brian Dwyer, Susie Cuccia, Lillian Strachen, & many others I can't remember right now, ( Forgetful time of my life), lol,lol.....Marino was like a magnet, everyone wanted to be around him. He was the kindest, friendliest, happy, giving person I had the pleasure to know. We all miss him so much, but I know when our time comes to meet our maker, Marino will be at the gate making us all laugh when he greets us. Always loved you my friend, until we meet again, Roseanne Lipari, Martin...

06/25/14 11:07 AM #3    

Bonnie McCandless

Thank you for your comment, Roseanne.  I shared it with my daughter and it made her smile.  You drew such a true picture of Marino!  And this was when he was younger, before I met him in PHS.  It's amazing how true to life you characterized him!  I do miss him a lot and in fact, just returned from a cruise to Bermuda with my daughter and granddaughter where I did lots of reminiscing -- our 3-year honeymoon!  "Be happy!" was his motto, and I hear his voice still!  Marino's sister, Linda, sent me this photo of him with a hulahoop, and I'm guessing he was 14 or 15?  Remember his smile?  It was magical!

06/26/14 02:57 PM #4    

Roseanne Lipari (Martin)


I am so glad it made your daughter happy. Marino is missed by everyone I know. My Mom & Dad were alive when he passed & were so upset. They remember all those wonderful, clean fun happenings when Marino was at our pool. They also mourned his passing, as most of us did. At least you had wonderful memories with him that no one can take away from you.  If you could, please e-mail some pictues of all of you, to me.  I would love to see him with his children & you. Stay well & know that I believe, when it's our time to leave this crazy world, Marino will be up there with my parents, daughter, & brother to greet us all home. I'm sure my daughter Danielle has already introduced herself to him & between the  two of them the partying will never stop, smile.....

Thanks for your message, please keep in touch, Love, Roseanne Lipari Martin

06/27/14 02:41 PM #5    

Dean Fausty

All the memories of Marino remind me of when Marino saved my life! I had just finished basic training at Lackland Airforce Base. My barracks was policing the area, picking up cigarette butts, when I looked up to see new recruits marching on the field, and lo and behold, there was Marino! After dark, I actually went AWOL (technically), running across the whole base to find him. I was, at that point, so homesick, that the few minutes I spent with him saved my life! Happy Birthday, Marino!

06/29/14 10:31 PM #6    

Bonnie McCandless

Thanks for your comment, Dean.  I can just see you running across the base in the dark to see him!  He must have been a little scared and lonely himself.  I'm glad you two had that chance to make contact!

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