In Memory

Janet Hart (Simmons) VIEW PROFILE

Janet Hart (Simmons)

Janet passed on 8/17/17.

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08/19/17 04:07 PM #1    

Kathleen Shepherd (Sleek)

I am so surprised in how sad this news brings to my heart. I was best friend's with Janet's neighbor, Marilyn Avery. I often visited with Janet while I was over Marilyn's house (where we had wonderful lunchs at her dining room table!) and we became close friends during middle school. My best friend moved away and attending another school but Janet remained a constant throughout high school. I remember when she said she had a boyfriend and planned to marry (we were seniors). I was surprised but happy for her too. Janet was the nicest, sweetest girl I had the honor to know. She was always happy to see and stop and talk. She had the best smile! My heart is so sad.. RIP my friend.

08/19/17 06:53 PM #2    

Wilma Little (Stoops)

Janet was one of my bridesmaids & one of my best friends in high school.  Jim & I stood up for Janet & Dick when they got married, spent a fair amount of time with them those first couple of years til they ended up with a divorce.  Janet moved to Florida with their daughter, Shelley and we kinda drifted apart.  Then with the reunion stuff we reconnected & have been talking on the phone--it's been great!  When I found out today, it was quite a shock (just talked to her a couple of weeks ago) and she was doing alright with treatments for hodgin's lymphoma that she had just been diagnosed with.  She had planned on attending the reunion til that came up.  Her daughter called me a little while ago, said she went pretty quickly and peacefully. Hard to know what to say except that she was very special & we will miss her.

08/20/17 12:22 PM #3    

Robert Driscoll (Driscoll)

What sad news, Janet lived only a few miles (70 to so) from me. We did email a little after last year's hurricane regarding damage and storm stuff. I had plan on visiting her but life gets in the way. Never real close in school, but she was a close friend of Lynda. I did not know she was not well. It is a sad reminder to visit those we think about sooner that later. Bob



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