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Make a donation to enable our website to remain ad free and continue on!


Help with deposits and various activities!


•   Sarah Carbery  8/4
•   David Clarke  8/3
•   Adrian Bradley  8/3
•   Peter Fagan  7/30
•   Keith Kibbee  7/30
•   Erica Rasmussen (Kibbee)  7/30
•   Michalee Durbin (Pignataro)  7/6
•   Bree Oswill  6/30
•   Daniel Horowitz  6/25
•   Kathleen Hofmann (Hunter)  6/17
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

1 lives in Arizona
1 lives in Arkansas
2 live in California
1 lives in Georgia
1 lives in Guam
1 lives in Idaho
1 lives in Indiana
1 lives in Maryland
1 lives in New Jersey
1 lives in North Carolina
46 live in Oregon
1 lives in Tennessee
1 lives in Texas
4 live in Washington
1 lives in Wisconsin
264 location unknown


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!

Wilson High School
Class of 1994

Update as of August 2, 2024!    **At the door will be $100 per person, cash only**

Venue Tour:

Thank you Timothy Henderson for donating the funds to create an Ad Free Website!!  We appreciate you! angel  Thank you Dana Kotarba for your donation for reunion costs!!  We appreciate you! angel Thank you Erin Yoshida Ehrmann for your donation for reunion costs!! We appreciate you! smiley Thank you Bashar Kasrawi for your donation for reunion costs!!  We appreciate you! smiley  Thank you Troy Gardner for your donation for reunion costs!! We appreciate you! smiley Thank you Erin Oettle for your donation for reunion costs!!  We appreciate you! smiley Thank you Karen (Mayhew) Zimmerman for your donation for reunion costs!!  We appreciate you! smiley Thank you Erin Yoshida Ehrmann for your donation AGAIN for reunion costs!! We appreciate you VERY MUCH! smiley  Thank you Tim Simrell for your donation for reunion costs!!  We appreciate you! smiley Thank you Brian Fay for your donation for reunion costs!!  We appreciate you! smiley Thank you Tyler Elliott for your donation for reunion costs!!  We appreciate you! smiley Thank you Kyoko Wyse for your donation for reunion costs!!  We appreciate you! smiley  Thank you Heather (Scott) Reynolds for your donation for reunion costs!!  We appreciate you! smiley Thank you Holly Haas Nordness for your donation for reunion costs!!  We appreciate you! smiley Thank you Matthew Twitchell for your donation for reunion costs!!  We appreciate you! smiley  Thank you Erin Yoshida Ehrmann for your donation AGAIN for reunion costs!! We appreciate you VERY MUCH! smiley Thank you Dan Maxwell for your donation for reunion costs!!  We appreciate you! smiley   Thank you Bashar Kasrawi for your donation AGAIN for reunion costs!!  We appreciate you! smiley Thank you Erin Yoshida Ehrmann for your donation AGAIN for reunion costs!!  We appreciate you! smiley Thank you Brian Fay for your donation AGAIN for reunion costs!!  We appreciate you! smiley Thank you Dana Kotarba for your donation AGAIN for reunion costs!!  We appreciate you! angel Thank you Rick Pugh for your donation for reunion costs!!  We appreciate you! smiley Thank you Bree Oswill for your donation for reunion costs!!  We appreciate you! angel Thank you Malina Downey for your donation for reunion costs!!  We appreciate you! smiley Thank you Ben Jelline for your donation for reunion costs!!  We appreciate you! smiley Thank you Keith Kibbee for your donation for reunion costs!!  We appreciate you! smiley

Please find your name, and update your profile. Let me know if you are missing or your name is misspelled.  (Please forgive me, I hand entered every name and did it through the yearbook information.)  Please let others know to login and add their information!  Let's make this the best reunion yet!

I created a couple of t-shirts to help support our reunion!  Check them out under the link: Wilson High School Reunion Shop.  If people like this idea, I am happy to create more items!  Let me know what you think!