Karla Edmondson Jones

Profile Updated: June 16, 2009
Karla Edmondson
Residing In: Helper, UT USA
Spouse/Partner: Darwin B. Jones
Present Occupation: Payroll Clerk
Children and Grandchildren: Kennedy, born 1986; Carson, born 1990.
Yes! Attending Reunion
What have you been doing the last 30 years, in 5-10 lines or less:

I'm married and living in Martin (Helper). Living the American Dream; working hard, paying taxes, and putting kids through college. All the while hoping the Golden Years don't pass me up and I'm actually able to go where I want to go, stay as long as I want, and do what I want.

I would like to see the following classmates a the reunion:

I'd love to see everyone!

What is your best most vivid memory of High School?

Too many to list and it would probably only cause problems to list the real fun memories. My junior year was the most fun; traveling with the cheerleaders and sports teams, we knew how to party.

Who was your favorite Teacher and why?

Mrs. Entwistle; she had a great sense of humor. And I always enjoyed Mr. Shaw's classes because he allowed us to speak our opinions.

What did you want to be after you graduated?

I haven't decided yet. For now, alive is good.

What song or songs make you think of the good old days?

Any Dan Fogelberg's music or music from R.E.O Speedwagon, Cars, Bob Seager, Foreigner, Styx, Heart, Aerosmith (I remember Kelley Stamatakis singing "Walk This Way" for a pep rally or something), The Steve Miller Band "Fly Like an Eagle", and one of my favorite's; "We Are Family". I think our generation had the best music ever and still rules in the world of Rock n Roll.

What are your hobbies and interests?

Hiking & prospecting. I love taking the back roads and scenic byways when traveling; right when you think you've seen the most beautiful sight you discover a new one.

What are your future plans?

Retire and travel; prospect on the way. Hopefully enjoy future grandchildren.

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