Reunion Feedback

Please take a minute to complete our reunion feedback'll give us some direction as we plan future get-togethers.

You must be a member to submit this survey. If you are a member please log in first. You can't submit this form until you've logged in.

* Answer Required
1)   * Did you attend any reunion activities?

Yes No
2)   If you did not attend any reunion activities, tell us why. If you DID attend reunion activities, skip this question.

  It was too expensive
  I live too far away to travel to Princeton for a reunion
  I had other plans
  I am not interested in class reunions
  I'd rather forget high school
3)   For reunion attendees, what did you like best about the reunion?

4)   For reunion attendees, was there anything about the reunion you would have liked to have been different?

5)   How should we plan reunions for the future?

6)   What kind of entertainment would you like for reunions?

7)   Please share any other reunion feedback with us. Your personal comments are only available to site administrators (Holly & Ally), not all website members.

