School Story:
I really enjoyed high school. My brother Vincent was a senior when we were freshmen so I felt cool to know seniors. Teachers that have stuck with me are Ann Decker (typing and drill team) Coach Martinez (There is no substitute for smarts!) Mrs. Oldroyd (english). I was proud to be the first class to attend all four years at Timpview. I loved the quad and meeting my friends. I remember being stuffed in a locker to see if I could fit. Pep rallys. The all boy drill team routine. Wonderful friends such as Roger Layton, Kevin Stevenett, Becky Schaelling, Cathy Bergera, Dale Judd, Zach Bigler, Todd Carver, Catherine Jones,Chris Young.....oh my I could go on for ever.
I loved being a member of the Shandelles. Dancing was a huge passion at that time in my life. Working with all the girls who were my friends was awesome.
when I think of high school I only have good memories. It was a wonderful time in my life!