Timpview High School
Class Of 1982
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.
1 lives in Alaska
4 live in Arizona
20 live in California
5 live in Colorado
2 live in Connecticut
1 lives in Florida
2 live in Georgia
8 live in Idaho
1 lives in Indiana
1 lives in Kansas
1 lives in Louisiana
1 lives in Maine
3 live in Massachusetts
2 live in Michigan
2 live in Montana
3 live in Nevada
2 live in New Jersey
2 live in New York
1 lives in North Carolina
3 live in Oregon
5 live in Texas
164 live in Utah
1 lives in Vermont
2 live in Virginia
7 live in Washington
1 lives in Wisconsin
2 live in Wyoming
1 lives in France
84 location unknown
Percentage of Joined Classmates: 56.1%
A: | 193 | Joined |
B: | 151 | Not Joined |
Hey all! Our 40th is around the corner and plans for our reunion are firming up!
Date: Saturday, July 2, 2022
10:30-1:30 pm
We will meet at Riverview Park (a.k.a. Vintage Park): Pavilion 1
4620 North 300 West, Provo
Visiting, Food, Fun
There is NO COST for attending the reunion--just come:)
When you come, you will get a couple of food truck vouchers.
You may also purchase additional food, if desired.
***Inasmuch as the reunion is free, we would happily take donations either
at the bottom right of this page (yellow DONATE button),
or by Venmo @timpview82.
Also, PLEASE update your profile! This is the best way to let others know what you've been up to :)
*** Please continue to reach out to our friends and invite them to this site. ***
We are Timpview '82!
Want to join our Facebook group? click here to join on that site as well. However, this website provides all the information and ticketing for our 40-year reunion so make sure you register here.
Please help us get the word out to our classmates! We want to know their whereabouts and have them registered on www.timpview82.com.
Anne Crosland
If this is your first time on the site, please create a login and profile to connect with the class. The process is very easy and only takes 1 -2 minutes. Here are the steps:
1. Click on Classmate Profiles
2. Find your name on the list
3. Click on the link on your page to add your information using a simple wizard.
That's it.
When you are done, you can add pictures and edit your profile at any time, so no worries if you want to only fill out part of the questionnaire. We do encourage you to add current pictures of yourself. This makes for the best website to catch up with friends from the class of 1982.
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