In Memory

Christine Dowdle

Christine Dowdle

She passed away November 2001. 

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08/23/11 10:12 PM #1    

Cherilyn Doxey (Christensen)

Christine attended BYU and became a nurse.   I remember she was very smart.   She was my nurse when my first child, Caitlin,  was born at UVRMC.  I greatly appreciated her compasion and kindness.  I know her life was not easy, but she was always thoughtful and kind.  Thank you, Christine.

12/13/11 11:11 PM #2    

Andrew Howard

Christine and I took driving class with Coach Hales as our instructor.  She nearly took off the mirrors of every car parked along the road.  But, she didn't freak out when I nearly ran our car into a barrier!  I'm very saddend to learn of her passing, and regret I wasn't a better friend.  RIP, Christine.  

07/06/12 08:20 AM #3    

Jeffrey Lynn Ahlstrom

 I had the privilege of meeting Chris on the first day of School at edge elementary.  We both had the same Kindergaten class, and soon became close friends.  Like myself, she was different than what the others conceived as normal.  Chris was born with a problem that affected the muscels in her mouth.  This made it impossible for her to smile, and to add insult to injury, she had horrible eyesight and had to wear coke bottle glasses.  The verbal abuse she suffered would lead to a serious eating disorder years later, a battle she was never able to win.  Back then you were on your own.  There were no teachers walking the play ground or lunch room, they just turned a blind eye.  It was a scary time.  You were susposed to be there to learn, not to be shoved to the ground, kicked, spit on and punched.  I will never fully understand how she ever made it to graduation, then going on to become a nurse....AMAZING!  A few months after she died I asked her Mother if I could have her senior yearbook as mine had been destored in a flood.  Later that evening as I opened the book, it made my heart sink.  There was not one single autograph in that entire yearbook.  Even though I too was a target for ridicule, I can not emagine the horrible pain that sweet girl had to endure.  I miss her very much, but I know she has moved on to a much better place.  She was proof that Angels truly exsist.  Till we meet again, rest in peace my friend.   

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