Missing Classmates

We need your help in reaching out to our classmates to join our site.

These classmates are listed as missing because they have not joined our website. Even though some of them have been contacted, they have not logged on the the site yet!

If you know the email address for any Classmate below you can click on the Classmate's name to quickly send an email invigation to our site or give them a call.

Donald Adams
Maria Ashcraft
Mary Jane Atwood (Stokes)
Peggy Butts
Billie Jean Carter
Evelyn Castillo (Albrecht)
Ann Castro
Royce Davis
Lynn Finley (Greenwood)
David Grimes
Kathy Hallman (Holmes)
Jewel Love (Feaguis)
Ray McClery
Ramona Montelongo (Collins)
Kenny Parks
Raymond Phillips
Kenny Roper
Ellen Scoggins (Eduards)
Barbara Scott
Glenda Sims
Gene Woods (Burns)

Guest Members

Gary (Baucum)
Jackie (Hanners)
Linda (Traylor Teacher)
Shelia (Wall)
Freddie Butlar
Betty Robbins (Fowler)