Needham B. Broughton High School
Class Of 1972

Class of 1972 Trivia
1) Name the President of our '71-'72 Student Council. _____________________________________
2) Name the Co-Captains of our football team. (hint: there were four) _______________________, _____________________, ________________________, ___________________________
3) Name the Captain of our basketball team. _____________________________________
4) Name the Queen and Master of Ceremonies for the Queen of Hearts. _______________________ and _________________________
5) Who played the role of Professor Harold Hill in the school's production of the "Music Man."? ___________________________________
6) Our Symphonic Orchestra was chosen to represent North Carolina at the 1972 Music Educators national Conference held in Atlanta. How many of our classmates in that orchestra were also chosen for the North Carolina All-State Orchestra? _______
7) Name the classmate who attended Harvard. _________________________
8) How many of our classmates were National Merit Finalists? ________
9) Recognition such as Who's Who amoung American High School Students and Outstanding American High School Students was highly prized by college admission officials. How many of our classmates received such recognition? ______
10) How many of our classmates won college scholarships or awards? _____
11) Name our 2 classmates that won Morehead Scholarships? _________________ & ___________________
Extra Credit:
How many of our classmates have earned a doctoral degree (MD, PhD, EdD, JD, DDS, DMin, and DVM etc): _______
For the answers to the above questions, scroll further down...
(Answers thought to be correct were provided by Charles Johnson ’72, Board of Directors - Alumni Association. Corrections or additions are welcomed)!
1 - Lisa Church
2 - Charles Banks, Wells Edmundson, George Foxwell, & David Turner
3 - Phil Spence
4 - Peggy Kendall & Jim Farthing
5 - Benjy Templeton
6 - 8--(Jim Corter, Allen Dobson, Charles Johnson, Jeff Loree, Carol Anne McAllister, Jim McKee, Saxon Scarborough, & May Zia)
7 - Joe Mimms
8 - 15--(Sue Aldridge, Jim Corter, Archie Futrell, Dorothy Hobgood, Frank Kulash, Ed Leager, Jim McKee, Stephanie Mendell, Joe Mimms, Bill Mixon, David Moazed, Grigg Mullen, Lee Ann Rhudy, Lee Stallings, & Jay Steel)
9 - 39--(Lisa Church, Debra Coates, Wells Edmundson, Walter Egerton, Archie Futrell, Shannon Gardner, Susan George, Susan Godfrey, Larry Height, Katherine Hill, Mark Holshouser, Karen Hutchinson, Becky Hutchison, Charles Johnson, Janice Johnson, Peggy Kendall, Edith Lockley, Wayne Martin, Jim McKee, Stefanie Mendell, Tanya Miller, Joe Mimms, Joslyn Monroe, Carolyn Moore, Jannette Moore, Don Munford, Cambey Pickard, Janet Ponzer, Mark Poole, Velancia Pridgeon, David Reynolds, Lee Ann Rhudy, Winnona Swayze, Deborah Tuck, David Turner, Cicero Upchurch, Bob Womble, Debra Woodhouse, & Marguerite Worth)
11 - Jim Corter & Wells Edmundson
12 - 628
Extra Credit -
at least 56
25 attorneys JD's, 1 dentist DDS, 8 MD’s, 17 PhD’s, 1 DVM/PhD, 2 EdD's, 1 DMin
June Allison JD, Becky Bowen JD, Lisa Bradley JD, Dan Brady JD, Danny Christian JD, Steve Coward JD, Joe Edwards JD, Jeff Essen JD, Rosita Forte JD, Archie Futrell JD, Zesely Haislip JD, Larry Height JD, Henry Hicks JD, Rick Hunter JD, John Kennedy JD, Joe Mimms JD, Don Munford JD, David Parker JD, Robert Ponton JD, Judy Preddy, JD, Tricia Reusing JD, Jan Swanson JD, Tommy West JD, Bart White JD, Bob Womble JD
Rex Card DDS
Allen Dobson MD, Janet Doerr, MD, Wells Edmundson MD, Walter Egerton, MD, Gay Gibson MD, Nichole Longmuir MD, David Martin MD, Lee Ann Rhudy MD
Betsy Welles DVM, PhD
Karen Bartlett PhD, Becky Bradshaw, PhD, Frank Castlebury PhD, Marie Chamblee PhD, Jim Corter PhD, Toby Doby PhD, Mark Holshouser PhD, Anne Hunter PhD, Charles Johnson PhD, Alan Knight PhD, Kanta Kochhar PhD, Anne Acker McNair PhD, Carolyn Moore PhD, Grigg Mullen PhD, Allan Parnell PhD, Alan Rowe PhD, Lee Williams PhD, Cynthia Gail Jones Zoski PhD
Melba Goode EdD, Cherie Stevens EdD
Bill Snotherly DMin
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