In Memory

Shirley Gayle Collier (Robbins)

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12/03/08 08:16 PM #1    

Laura Moffett (Myers)

Gayle's unforgettable smile, kindness and gregarious personality is my strongest memory when I think of her in High School. Her sister Brenda was one of MY older sister's best friends, so I kept up with Gayle as we became wives / Moms ... My last precious memory of her is in the North Hills Mall - at a clothing store, the year before she passed away. She had been going through chemo and had no hair. The stylish red hat she wore that day looked so great ON HER that I assumed she just felt like wearing one! When I told her so, she laughed and took it off so I could admire her scalp! She loved her kids and her husband so much .... and really knew how to live life to its fullest.


Here's to you, Gayle -- I'm so blessed that we were together at NBHS and the world is a lot brighter because of your joy and love for life !!! Laura Moffett (Myers)

01/06/09 10:40 AM #2    

Haywood Poole

I grew up with Gayle. Our families were close friends and our mothers worked together for many years at NCSU. Gayle was a bright spot in my life. We had this love/hate relationship during our childhood that only she and I understood. I had this secret crush on her at Daniels and teased her constantly... hoping to keep her attention. We both went to NCSU and became good friends and continued our friendship into adulthood. I remember once while we were in college, she stopped by my dorm room with a shirt she had bought for me... she said she saw it and thought it "looked like me" so she bought it for me! She was always a giving loving person. After we all got married, she and Glen were in our supper club until she died. I NEVER remember Gayle coming to our house without a gift of some kind! It might be a huge bag of M&M's tied with one of her "signature" bows or a beautiful plant, or christmas ornament... but ALWAYS something.

She battled her cancer with humor, dignity, and perserverence. What a tragedy to loose such a wonderful friend, wife, and mother. She was a role model for us all in how to handle adversity. I miss her laugh, her beautiful singing voice, and her warm caring nature.

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