In Memory

Jeffrey Ellis Bredenberg

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03/03/10 03:19 PM #1    

Charles Johnson

Last summer, Jeff wrote his own eulogy and sent it to me for feedback. Knowing him as well as I do, and knowing modesty precluded him from saying much about himself, I wrote the following paragraph about him and added it to the draft. Jeff included my additions in his eulogy, so this will be read at his memorial service.

"I am a man of intellect who is awed by a fleeting glimpse of life yet humbled by the creator's infinite universe. I am a man of perceptiveness who is keenly aware of personal shortcomings and weaknesses yet driven to model strength and stability. I am a man of affect who is overjoyed by blessings I have received yet angered by trials and tribulations that have befallen me. I am a man of duty who is a rock for my family and friends yet but a grain of sand on a sun-drenched beach. I am a man of responsibility who empowers others to care for themselves yet needs others to care for him. I am a man of honor and compassion who encourages others to actualize their humanity as well as talents; to serve their loved ones, community, God and country; to strive with persistence of effort; to meet challenges with courage and forbearance. I am a man who lives each day to the fullest. And when my stay on earth has ended, I am secure in the knowledge that I am a man who will live in the hearts not just of family members but of friends as well".

04/10/10 04:03 PM #2    

Vickie Waddell (Riggsbee)

I had no idea that Jeff was a published author. I had not known him well at Broughton, but he always had a friendly smile. I consider myself very fortunate to have gotten a chance to see him last Fall when he came to Raleigh and a group of us got together. He was an amazing guy.

06/15/10 11:30 PM #3    

Laura Moffett (Myers)

Charles - your words go far beyond just a friendly knowledge of Jeff ---- you were like brothers, and it shows. I was also honored to be at the gathering on Jeff's  visit to Raleigh this year .... and as he quipped about past times and then held us spellbound, reading his own "eulogy" with that sparkle in his eyes - I KNEW that it would be a moment in time that I would want to remember for the rest of my life. What an amazing and impactful man --- He will always be deeply imbedded in our hearts. I wish I knew his wife - they obviously had what the rest of the world is looking for ...   I think of her and their children often.

12/03/10 01:20 AM #4    

Laura Moffett (Myers)

... At 1:15 AM on a weeknight ----- I am living proof that a life well-lived is remembered and has eternal significance !   Jeff - You are held close in our memory --- and honored as a classmate, a teacher, a sage and dear friend.  Many prayers for his family - especially in this holiday season. XO Laura

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