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CPCS Technologies
CPCS Technologies is a technology services company headquartered in Cary North Carolina.  CPCS Technologies by William E. Ott and maintains strategic alliances with a number of consultants in various fields as well as alliances with several technology partners.  CPCS was a natural outgrowth of informal alliances that had been in place for a number of years with several small companies and individuals in the central North Carolina area.

CPCS Technologies works primarily in the military and public safety sectors with limited work for select companies in the private sector providing technical services, education services, and technology consulting for these markets.
CPCS Technologies by the nature of our work doesn’t advertise in the traditional methods used by other technology consultancies, such as the phone book and local media.  CPCS is unlisted in the phone registry to shield us from the technophobe person or company wanting us to format their disk, troubleshoot a modem, load off the shelf software, etc..  CPCS advertises strictly in targeted industry journals, through our website, and via the best method of all, word of mouth of satisfied clients.  Operating in this manner allows helps to ensure that potential clients contacting us are somewhat technologically savvy and in our targeted business sectors of defense, public safety, government, or in the private sector supporting defense, public safety, or government.
CPCS Technologies works on projects in all areas of the US and the world at all hours of the day and night in support of our clients.  As such, CPCS does not maintain absolute ‘normal’ office hours.   Feel free to give us a call or send us a note, if we miss you we will respond in a timely manner. Thank you for your interest in CPCS Technologies and we appreciate your visiting our website.


