DOB 9-30-1947
DOD 2-16-2008
BUTNER -- Susan Carroll Dodson, 60, died unexpectedly at her home February 16, 2008 in Butner. She was born in Asheboro, raised in Raleigh and spent most of her career in Butner.
She was predeceased by her parents, Malette Greene and Charles Robert "Bob" Dodson of Raleigh.
She attended N.C State University briefly and then later studied at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill where she received a B.A. in Fine Arts (1978), a M.F.A. in Fine Arts (1980) and a M.S. in Occupational Therapy (1984). Beginning in 1983, she worked as an Occupational Therapist at John Umstead Hospital until her retirement in 2006.
Susan's responsibilities at the hospital involved working with long term patients. Their physical and emotional deficiencies provided unique opportunities for Susan to combine her Occupational Therapy skills and her creative talents. She treated patients with respect and compassion and was dedicated to the betterment of their lives in their limited environments.
One of her special gifts was her ability to artistically create beautiful and useful objects of art. She was always involved in some creative form of expression, from her early acrylic/oil paintings, ceramic/metal sculptures, and trendy clothing designs to her more recent felting, knitting, bead crocheting, basket weaving, and quilting projects which incorporated striking colors and unique designs.
Susan had a very big heart and worked tirelessly and selflessly to care for her elderly parents in their later years. Her love extended especially to her nephew Jeff and niece Kristen whom she doted on. She also loved of all creatures great and small and shared her life and home with pets that she rescued from abuse and neglect.
She is survived by her sister and brother-in-law, Martha Dodson Gray and Stewart Gray of Ithaca, NY; her nephew, Jeffery Cole Johnson of Sugar Creek, NC; her niece, Kristen Elise Gray of Ithaca, NY; her aunts and uncles, Jane and James Yates of Dunn, Merle and Carl Greene of Houston, TX. She also leaves behind other family and friends whose love and support she greatly appreciated.
John B. O'DONNELL, Jr.
A kind & carimg person.
Kathy Williams (Huffstetler)
I have two fun memories of Susan from when we were friends in elementary school. One time I visited her and we decided to take a walk. We encountered a downpour but instead of turning back, we kept walking and splashing in puddles and laughing and felt so daring. When we returned to her house, we went down to the basement, took off our drenched clothes and put them in the dryer. That felt daring too.
The other memory is when I was teamed with her for a project on electricity. We were supposed to make something that involved our newfound knowledge of how electricity worked. Her father got involved and made us a dollhouse with all the amenities including lights! When we took "our project" to school, the teacher asked us if we'd really done this ourselves. (I think the answer was obvious.)
Laura Armstrong (Lassiter)
Beautiful tribute. Wish that I had known her better!
Flora . Seifert (Stewart)
I remember Susan from Daniels. I visited her home several times and enjoyed getting to know her. I remember her moter and enjoyed my time there.