note from husband Terry Sams To my friends that I can contact by knowing their emails address, this note. With two friends in room 5312 of the Gainesville Hospital,we watched as my wife Sylvia, departed for heaven. (Peacefully on 1/25/2017 about 10:30 PM). She was being treated for congestive heart failure, kidney and some infection at the hospital. I am thankful to be a part of her life and for being together for so many years. Sylvia being a student at University North Carolina at Greensboro and I being a student of North Carolina State University, met at an Intervarsity Christian Fellowship (IVCF) Conference at Duke University in 1967. We did not see each other again till a year later at another Intervarsity Christian Fellowship meeting. She had become a Christian between those events. At that time we began dating. She attended football and basketball game with me as my date,. Since I was in the N. C. State band and the Pep Band she got in free. After college I moved to Atlanta. (God Directed) A year later she moved to Duluth Georgia to share a room with an IVCF classmate. After her classmate got married, we got married in September 1972 and lived in Roswell Georgia, God blessed us as we became involved in various Christian Ministries and allowed us to be witnesses and apart of His activities. In the 1970s and 80s, she was involved with the CWC (Christian Women Club) in the Atlanta area, the tape minstry at Atlanta Baptist Church, NIBS, and TCL (Training Church Leaders) a ministry started by Dan Dehaan. Sylvia from 1999 until May 2016, transcribed names and address of phone callers wanting to know more about Christ or prayer request though Data Tech Communications System designed for the North American Mission Board and some for the Billy Graham TV ministry. Funeral Arrangements Details: For the sake of those that travel some distance, It was felt best not to have visitation on Saturday at 4-8PM and then the funeral on Sunday but to combine the two. So the new schedule is as follows; Sylvia's Services: At Dahlonega Funeral Home 20 Gibson Road Dahlonega, Ga. Visitation: Sunday 1/29/2017 1-3 PM Funeral: Sunday 1/29/2017 3 PM Continue Visitation and Reception after the funeral http://www.dahlonegafuneralhome.com/ Burial: Raleigh N.C. Wednesday 2PM 2/1/2017 Section 4 of lot 308 A Montlawn Memorial Park Address: 2911 S Wilmington St, Raleigh, NC 27603 Phone:(919) 772-1073 In lieu of Flowers etc, Sylvia would have preferred the Gospel of Christ to be spread so If you would like, direct any memorials to U10074 Dawson County Gideon Camp P.O. Box 174 Dawsonville, Ga 30534 Thank you, Terry Sams
Vicki Atchley (Jones)
I don't know why I am just now seeing this post, but Sylvia and I were friends growing up. We both went to St. John's Baptist Church in Raleigh, and we used to visit each other fairly often, even though her house was near the church and ours was not. The one and only time I ever went fishing was with Sylvia and her mother. I remember her mother saw a roll of paper towels in the road and she decided we might need those towels on our fishing escapade. Also, Sylvia borrowed either one of my prom dresses or my sister's for an event where she had to usher. Funny the things we remember! I wondered in later years how to touch base with her, but I could not remember her married name. I am so sorry that she has passed away. She and her parents were good Christian people. May God bless her friends and husband. And may the love and peace of God be with you my friend.
C. B. Cranford
Greetings Terry. I both feel sorrowful for you and rejoice with you over your wife's death. Sorrowful as in the flesh, we never forget the passing of a loved one; and rejoicing in the fact that I know she's in here heavenly home.
Your message to each of us was very touching. And with the things you said, her walk with Christ, and the many wonderful things that she did in support of her faith is so refreshing to me, as I too am a born again Christian!
So sadly, many feel that heaven is an automatic pass when one breathes their last breath on earth. As we know, heaven does offer free passage as the free gift has already been given through the death of God's Son. All we have to do is accept that free gift, no strings attached. So simple and so easy isn't it?
I liken this to giving someone a free $100 with absolutely no strings attached. Who wouldn't take that??? It's the same with our ETERNAL salvation! The gift is offered through the death of God's Son. Why wouldn't anyone take that too? Confusing to say the least.
To those who doubt God and His plan of salvation, I simply ask "If Christ's death is not the way to heaven, then why did God send Christ into the world to die such a cruel death?" Hmm.
I prayed for you this morning. It's my hope that your sorrows will be brief and your blessed memories will be everlasting.
Your brother in Christ,
CB Cranford
Rebecca Hosley (Galloway)
Sylvia and I were acquaintances at Broughton. Since we were both bound for UNC-G, we requested the same dorm and became part of an enduring foursome of roommates/friends. Vicki, interestingly, I borrowed one of her recital gowns to be her maid of honor. We 4 kept contact for many years. I received Terry's obituary letter and forwarded it to Broughton, also was at her funeral. Terry died about a year after her.
John B. O'DONNELL, Jr.
Friendly, sweet girl...RIP
Gail Schoen (Haber)