Bennie Allen Smith, Born September 15, 1946, Killed in Action November 28, 1967
Bennie was a ground casualty, died outright, hostile artillery, rocket or mortar fire, Hau Nghia Province, South Vietnam. Specialist Four, Armor Crewman, C TRP, 3RD SQDN, 4TH CAVALRY, 25TH INF DIV, USARV.
Bennie is survived by many friends from the Methodist Home, NBHS, and the Army
John B. O'DONNELL, Jr.
A career & a life cut short in a war.
Rowena Morrison
John, thanks so much for posting this info about Bennie. I knew him only in elementary school at Myrtle Underwood, but rememered him clearly and was so sad years later to learn that he was killed in Vietnam. When I was in Washington DC earlier this year I tried to find his name on the Vietnam War Memorial, but time was too short. He lives on in our hearts.
Thomas S. Tucker
31e, line 1 on Wall.
Richard B. Knight
You can also find him, and all others, on the wall near Lexington, NC about 5 miles N of US 64. Easily accessible.
Rowena Morrison
Thanks Richard. It would be worth a special trip to Lexington.
James L. (Luigi) Ammons
Rest in Peace, Old Buddy.... Enjoyed our times together in all our classes. Thank you for your Military service!
Melda Goldfinch (Dyer)
Bennie is buried in Raleigh - in Oakwood (historic Raleigh) on Methodist Home lot, I understand. My parents worked at the home for 20 years, and we lived in a house provided by the M. Home. Bennie, Ethel and Donnie (siblings) were close friends of ours. Please help us find Ethel and/or Donnie!
Melda Goldfinch Dyer
Sallie O'Keef (Simpson)
The Memorial Service for our deceased classmates will be in Oakwood Cemetery on October 9 at 10:30am. I will try to locate Bennie's grave before the service and place a tribute on his grave.
Rowena Morrison
Melda, thanks for the additional information about Bennie's burial place and his siblings. I didn't know he had a brother and sister. I knew him mostly from elementary school, but that memory (and sadness at his loss) has stayed strong all these years.
Betty Landis (Hall)
I was Betty Landis at broughton high school and lived at the home with Bennie. He was the only boy to graduate with 5 girls,Mary Butler,Carol Poole,Bonnie Costello, Pat Kelly,and myself.We would love to Bonnie and Pat.We still get together 4 times a year at the home.