BEELER Denita Lynne Stikeleather Beeler "A wife of noble character who
> can find? She is worth far more than rubies. Her husband has full
> confidence in her and lacks nothing of value. She brings him good, not
> harm, all the days of her life. She opens her arms to the poor and
> extends her hands to the needy. Her children arise and call her
> blessed; her husband also, and he praises her. Charm is deceptive, and
> beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised."
> Denita Lynne Stikeleather Beeler was called Home to Heaven Tuesday
> morning, October 27, 2015. After having served many suffering patients
> as a registered nurse, she herself received care from her family and
> the compassionate staff of the Visiting Nurse Association and Hospice
> of the Florida Keys. Denita (Deni) grew up in Indiana where, as a
> young girl, she placed her eternal trust in the Lord Jesus Christ. She
> spent her life serving Him as a daughter, wife, mother, Grandmother,
> nurse (including her years as a pioneer Hospice nurse in the Upper
> Keys), church nursery director, meal ministry coordinator and prayer
> warrior. She is survived by her husband of 47 years, John, daughter
> Joy (Brian), sons Jeff (Amy), Joshua (Julie) and Joel (Michele).
> Denita and John are blessed with four granddaughters Sara, Maya,
> Harlee and Harmony, along with four grandsons Andrew, Michael, Keagan
> and Brody. Each of us miss her deeply, but rejoice in the fact that
> she is now face-to-face with our Savior! The public is invited to
> Denita's memorial service which will be held in the Island Community
> Church auditorium at 6:00 p.m. on Saturday, November 21, 2015.
> Published in the Miami Herald on Nov. 13, 2015
> - See more at:
> http://www.legacy.com/obituaries/herald/obituary.aspx?pid=176477836