Nancy VanArnam Swanson

Profile Updated: April 6, 2016
Nancy VanArnam
Residing In: Clemson, SC USA
Spouse/Partner: Ben Rankin
Share your websites. Separate by commas for multiples.
Let us know your current occupation; or if you have retired, how are you spending your time? retired teacher
Children: David, born 1977; James, born 1983
Yes! Attending Reunion
Want to share what you've been up to since you graduated?

I attended UNC-CH, graduating in 1970. Afterwards, I pursued a career as an English teacher. I retired from teaching high school in 2008 and taught at Clemson University until 2014, when my husband took at job at Haleakala National Park on Maui. We'll be returning to South Carolina in May, 2016, at least temporarily.

Share a favorite school story or funny memory. Or maybe you'd like to share something you've done since graduation.

I must admit that I never attended a since event, not even graduation. Oddly enough, my high school teaching position called for me to attend, and sometimes be in charge of, everything from the school play to graduation.
