In Memory

Margaret E. Crabtree (Crabtree) VIEW PROFILE

Margaret E. Crabtree (Crabtree)

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08/24/14 06:32 PM #1    

Judy Berson (Waller)

So sad to hear of Margaret's death. I knew her when we went to Frances Lacy. She was a beautiful girl.


08/25/14 08:06 AM #2    

Dorothy Ann (Da) Vaden (Ashworth)

I, too, was sad to read of "Cutie's death.  This was her nickname. We played together when she lived on Lake Boone Trail and after when her family moved to Lambshire Downs.  Remember her grandmother's store Elizabeth Knipes, and her parent's, Crabtree's, in Cameron Village?  Peace to you, old friend. da

08/25/14 12:18 PM #3    

David W. Highsmith

I too am sad to hear of Margaret's passing. I just knew her a little from the time we took driver's ed together. We ended up in the same car during the week of the driving part. She was always so nice and patient with those that were not very skilled in the driving department. those were the days when the cars were all straight drive and no air conditioning. It could be some miserable afternoons in the August heat, but she always seemed to be able to stay cool (literally and figuratively).

08/25/14 05:23 PM #4    

Suzi Adams (Bowden)

Margaret was a sweet friend... we took dancing together in our young, Frances Lacy days at Betty Kovack's School of dance which was in Glenwood Village. Our families attended  Ridge Road Baptist Church until my family joined White Memorial when I was in six grade. She was one of the girls in our neighborhood bunch. There was Marsha Murray, DA, Jennifer and Connie Johnson, Muffie Sprunt, Gail Franks and me. We had many slumber parties at each other's homes. Lots of growing up fun and plenty of girl talk about boys in junior high. We all loved our Saturday trips to Cameron Village for a stop at Margaret parent's store... Virginia Crabtree. Mrs. Crabtree was so gracious and always welcomed our visits. Then we would take off to the movie to meet various boys...we thought our parent's didn't know that part...but who were we kidding???  The years go by and friendships abate, but memories remain. Peace to you "Cutie"...

08/25/14 08:30 PM #5    

Barry A. Kelley

I was crazy about this girl all through Lacy, Martin and Broughton.  To me she was the most beautiful girl in school.  I was a nobody back in those days.  I talked to her, but I never asked her to go out with me.  I didn't think I was good enough for her.  I would love to have known her better.   May God grant you peace Margaret.  We will meet again in Heaven. 

08/28/14 03:55 PM #6    

F. Joseph Gallagher

I am so sorry to hear of her passing. I, like so many others went back to Frances Lacey with her and my sisters shopped at the same stores Elizabeth Knipes and Crabtrees. She was lovely, kind and will be missed.

08/29/14 06:52 PM #7    

Mary L. Webb (Baggett)

Margaret and I were great friends in high school and I am so deeply saddened by her death.  She was not only a lovely person, she was such fun.  Although our paths did not cross for many years, I will always have fond memories.  Mary Webb Baggett

08/29/14 09:16 PM #8    

Daniel B. (Dan) Gatewood

Sitting on my deck looking out over the Gulf of Thailand this morning, thinking about Margaret, my youth, and my classmates who chimed in so beautifully on Margaret.....
She was soft-spoken with such a warm smile, and I was always a
bit shy around her with her intimidating natural beauty......
But I remember sitting beside her in Sunday school, in the old hut at Ridge Road Baptist with Eddie Bland, Louis Sinclair, Suzi Adams, Susan Smith, Patricia McClam, Randy Jackson, Charlie Watson, and others?  Lacy and Martin, and Broughton.  She was always so pleasant......
Your comments are touching, and evoke such sweet memories....
Suzi remembering Gail Franks, DA, Marsha, Jennifer, Connie, Muffie.
Judy, and Suzi, and DA, and David, and Barry, and Joe, and Mary..... 
So good to know that all of you are alive and well...
Margaret had really good friends
From Thailand,


08/30/14 06:43 PM #9    

Timothy Carl Teel

Sorry to hear about Margaret. We dated a little. I was always proud to have such a beautiful girl by my side. 

09/12/14 08:26 AM #10    

John E. Liles

Sorry to hear about Margaret's death. We went to high school and college together. Nice girl


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