Missing Classmates

If you know where these Classmates are please share our web address with them:
If you know the email address for any Classmate below you can click on the Classmate's name to quickly send an email invitation to our site.

Bonny Arbuckle (Streeter)
Chip Bacon
Dierdre Bailey
Cathy Baumann (Bacon)
Rick Brunelle
David Butterfield
Melissa Carpenter
Cindy Cooper (Jarvis)
Shayne Culver (Langlois)
Donarae Dawson
Dominic Delia
David Dumas
Cheryl Giles (Hill)
Luanne Green (Masterson)
Cheryl Greene (Mason)
Bonnie Hammond (Young)
Connie Heller
Kay Herrin (Benson)
Robyn Heyder (Grant)
Carmen Hunt (Jones)
Glynis Kevan
James Lefebvre
Mindy Libby (Lyons)
Lisa Lyons (Wilson)
Tim MacAskill
Donna Murray
Kathy Norton (Enders)
Tim Poljacik
Andy Rogers
Janice Russell
Sheryl Turner (Sypek)
Heidi Wallman
Allison Wilder
Patrick Young